What's wrong with telling someone my
eLicensing username and password?
Your eLicensing username and password
are used to identify you each time you connect to the
eLicensing System. This is how the Department verifies
that you are who you say you are. We recommend
that you keep your username and password to yourself to
ensure confidentiality. If others have access to
your eLicensing account, the possibility exists that
your information could be modified without your
It should also be pointed out that
when you registered in the eLicensing System, you agreed
to abide by certain terms and conditions, one of which
was the protection of your Electronic Signature (i.e.,
your eLicensing username and password). You agreed
to take " . . . all necessary precautions to ensure
that no one finds out any component of the Electronic
Signature . . ." and that the Department " . .
. has no liability for damages or harm which the
Licensee may incur or experience as a result of any
non-acceptance, delay or restriction in implementing
instructions . . .".
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eLicensing System