Summary of Enforcement Actions (6/1/2019 - 6/30/2019)
The Department of Real Estate is a licensing and regulatory agency empowered to seek disciplinary action through the State Office of Administrative Hearings against licensees who violate specific sections of the State Business and Professions Code. We also are empowered to file orders to desist and refrain against licensed and unlicensed individuals and entities. Available on this report are the following listings: disciplinary actions initiated against real estate licensees; filed orders to desist and refrain from unlawful activities; decisions on petition applications to reinstate/remove restrictions from licenses; applications for licenses that have been denied and/or were issued restricted licenses; and licenses that have been voluntarily surrendered.
NOTE: Click on the headings to sort by a specific column.
H03231FR | Los Angeles | Outright Revoc by Order Hearing | Grewal, Gursharan S | Salesperson | 907 NELLISON CT BAKERSFIELD, CA 93307 | 1/25/2019 | 6/25/2019 | B&P 10177(b), B&P 10186.2, B&P 490 | Rap Accusation | |
H04957SD | Los Angeles | Suspension[with stay] | Federal Home Loans Corporation, | Corporation | 3914 MURPHY CANYON RD A250 SAN DIEGO, CA 92123 | 12/6/2017 | 6/19/2019 | B&P 10177(g), B&P 10176(a), B&P 10176(c), B&P 10130, B&P 10176(i), B&P 10177(j), B&P 10177(d), B&P 10137 | Transactional Accusation | |
H04957SD | Los Angeles | Suspension[with stay] | Salas, Evangeline Michael | Broker Officer | 10306 VERACRUZ COURT SAN DIEGO, CA 92124 | 12/6/2017 | 6/19/2019 | B&P 10177(g), B&P 10176(c), B&P 10130, B&P 10176(i), B&P 10159.2, B&P 10177(j), B&P 10177(d), B&P 10137, Reg 2725, B&P 10177(h) | Transactional Accusation | |
H04997SD | Los Angeles | Suspension with Stay - Monetary Penalty | Inland Equities Inc, | N/A | 6370 MAGNOLIA AVE STE 200 RIVERSIDE, CA 92506 | 5/21/2018 | 6/3/2019 | Reg 2832.1, B&P 10176(g), Reg 2835, Reg 2834, B&P 2830, Reg 2831, B&P 10176(e), B&P 10159.5, Reg 2951, B&P 2950, Reg 2832, Reg 2831.1, Reg 2731, B&P 10145, Reg 2831.2 | Audit Accusation | |
H04997SD | Los Angeles | Suspension with Stay - Monetary Penalty | Mead, Douglas Washburn | Broker | 191 E ALESSANDRO BLVD SUITE 9C RIVERSIDE, CA 92508 | 5/21/2018 | 6/3/2019 | B&P 10176(g), Reg 2832.1, B&P 2830, Reg 2834, Reg 2835, B&P 10159.5, B&P 10176(e), Reg 2831, Reg 2951, B&P 10159.2, Reg 2831.1, Reg 2832, B&P 2950, B&P 10145, B&P 10177(h), Reg 2725, Reg 2731, Reg 2831.2 | Audit Accusation | |
H05012SD | Los Angeles | Revocation with Restr Lic by Stipulation | Rodriguez, Daniel | Salesperson | 193 DUFF RD EL CENTRO, CA 92243 | 5/29/2019 | 6/19/2019 | B&P 10177(b), B&P 10186.2, B&P 490 | Rap Accusation | |
H05028SD | Los Angeles | Outright Revoc by Default Decision | Dirks, Ryan Paul | Salesperson | 5872 SCRIPPS STREET SAN DIEGO, CA 92122 | 11/16/2018 | 6/5/2019 | B&P 10177(b), B&P 10186.2, B&P 490 | Rap Accusation | |
H05056SD | Los Angeles | Revocation with Restr Lic by Stipulation | Herrera, Edgar Alejandro | Salesperson | 673 RUE LE BLANC CHULA VISTA, CA 91913 | 5/23/2019 | 6/12/2019 | B&P 10186.2, B&P 10177(b), B&P 490 | Rap Accusation | |
H05065SD | Los Angeles | D&R Service Effected - Per Ser | Whitehead, Gary Alan | Salesperson | 5/31/2019 | 6/8/2019 | B&P 10130 | Desist & Refrain | ||
H05072SD | Los Angeles | Denial with Restricted License by Stipulation | Lukas, Graham Thomas | Salesperson | 509 GARFIELD ST OCEANSIDE, CA 92054 | 6/25/2019 | 6/18/2019 | B&P 10177(b), B&P 10177(a) | Stip w/out Pleading | |
H06366SAC | Sacramento | Removal of Restrictions Granted | Beattie, Sean Andre | Broker | 7901 OAKPORT ST SUITE 4350 OAKLAND, CA 94621 | 10/13/2016 | 6/21/2019 | B&P 10177(b), B&P 480(a) | Statement of Issues | |
H06702SAC | Sacramento | Revocation with Restr Lic by Stipulation | Horneff-Cohen, Michelle L | Broker Officer | 424 HAMILTON STREET SAN FRANCISCO, CA 94134 | 7/18/2018 | 6/11/2019 | Reg 2832.1, B&P 10176(g), B&P 10177(g), Reg 2834, B&P 10163, B&P 10176(i), Reg 2715, B&P 10159.2, Reg 2725, B&P 10145, B&P 10177(d), B&P 10177(h) | Audit Accusation | |
H06702SAC | Sacramento | Revocation with Restr Lic by Stipulation | Sacramento Property Management, Services, Inc. | Corporation | 7/18/2018 | 6/11/2019 | Reg 2832.1, B&P 10176(g), B&P 10177(g), Reg 2834, B&P 10163, B&P 10176(i), B&P 10162, Reg 2715, B&P 10145, B&P 10177(d) | Audit Accusation | ||
H06704SAC | Sacramento | Denial with Restricted License by Stipulation | Gill, Mike Singh | Salesperson | 7761 AGATE BEACH WY ANTELOPE, CA 95843 | 7/18/2018 | 6/11/2019 | B&P 480(a)(2), B&P 10177(b), B&P 10177(j), B&P 480(a)(1) | Statement of Issues | |
H06743SAC | Sacramento | Revocation with Restr Lic by Stipulation | Thornton, Frank | N/A | 10/11/2018 | 6/19/2019 | B&P 10176(a), B&P 10177(c), B&P 10130, B&P 10176(i), B&P 10131(b), B&P 10177(d) | Audit Accusation | ||
H06747SAC | Sacramento | Outright Denial of Application | Mason, Jewel Ann | N/A | 11/8/2018 | 6/11/2019 | B&P 10177(f), B&P 10177(b), B&P 480(a) | Statement of Issues | ||
H06754SAC | Sacramento | Outright Denial of Application | Hinojosa, Francisco Louie | N/A | 12/14/2018 | 6/11/2019 | Statement of Issues | |||
H11747SF | Sacramento | Reinstatement Denied | Natnat, Felix Calano | Broker | 4692 SLOAN ST FREMONT, CA 94538 | 8/12/2014 | 6/25/2019 | B&P 10177(b), B&P 10186.2, B&P 490 | Rap Accusation | |
H12296SF | Sacramento | Voluntary License Surrender | Chih, Roger Yu-Fa | Salesperson | P O BOX 656 RODEO, CA 94572 | 9/14/2018 | 6/11/2019 | B&P 10176(g), B&P 10176(a), B&P 10145(c), B&P 10130, B&P 10139, B&P 10177(j), B&P 10177(d), B&P 10137 | Transactional Accusation | |
H12305SF | Sacramento | Outright Revoc by Order Hearing | Grinsell, Raymond Alfred | Broker | 1248 NORIEGA STREET SAN FRANCISCO, CA 94122 | 10/17/2018 | 6/7/2019 | B&P 10177(b), B&P 10186.2, B&P 490 | Rap Accusation | |
H12309SF | Sacramento | Voluntary License Surrender | Navone, Michael Anthony | Broker Officer | 209 SPRUCE CT SAN RAFAEL, CA 94903 | 10/16/2018 | 6/7/2019 | B&P 10186.2, B&P 10177(b), B&P 490 | Rap Accusation | |
H12320SF | Sacramento | Revocation with Restr Lic by Stipulation | Hatcher, Kathy J | Broker Officer | PO BOX 2313 MORGAN HILL, CA 95038 | 10/25/2018 | 6/18/2019 | B&P 10145(a), Reg 2831, B&P 10130, Reg 2831.1, Reg 2832, B&P 10145, Reg 2831.2 | Audit Accusation | |
H12327SF | Sacramento | Voluntary License Surrender | Salma, Laith Karim | Broker | PO BOX 117309 BURLINGAME, CA 94011 | 11/6/2018 | 6/19/2019 | B&P 10177(b), B&P 490 | Rap Accusation | |
H12338SF | Sacramento | Suspension with Stay - Monetary Penalty | Yamanouchi, Yoshiki | Broker | 4931 MANZANILLO ST FAIR OAKS, CA 95628 | 11/15/2018 | 6/20/2019 | B&P 10159.2, Reg 2725 | Audit Accusation | |
H12338SF | Sacramento | Voluntary License Surrender | Itegra Real Estate & Investment Inc, | Corporation | 11/15/2018 | 6/20/2019 | B&P 10145(a), Reg 2834, Reg 2752, Reg 2831, B&P 10161.8, Reg 2832, Reg 2831.1, Reg 2715, Reg 2731, B&P 10145, B&P 10137, Reg 2831.2 | Audit Accusation | ||
H12344SF | Sacramento | Voluntary License Surrender | Vo, Hong Xuan | Broker | 5655 SILVER CREEK VALLEY RD #168 SAN JOSE, CA 95138 | 12/3/2018 | 6/28/2019 | Transactional Accusation | ||
H12360SF | Sacramento | Outright Revoc by Default Decision | Giant Enterprises Corporation, | Corporation | 318 WESTLAKE CENTER #222 DALY CITY, CA 94015 | 3/12/2019 | 6/11/2019 | B&P 10163, B&P 10140.6, B&P 10130, B&P 10161.8(a), Reg 2773, Reg 2742(c) | Transactional Accusation | |
H12360SF | Sacramento | Outright Revoc by Default Decision | Hodgdon, Thomas James | Broker Officer | 318 WESTLAKE CENTER # 222 DALY CITY, CA 94015 | 3/12/2019 | 6/11/2019 | B&P 10159.5, B&P 10159.2, Reg 2731, Reg 2725, B&P 10177(a) | Transactional Accusation | |
H12374SF | Sacramento | Voluntary License Surrender | Wong, Hilton Hiu Tung | Salesperson | 405 DEERHILL DR SAN RAMON, CA 94583-1289 | 3/27/2019 | 6/14/2019 | B&P 10177(b), B&P 10186.2, B&P 490 | Rap Accusation | |
H35276LA | Los Angeles | Reinstatement Granted | Sigman, Kimberly Ann | Salesperson | 2939 16TH ST SANTA MONICA, CA 90405 | 9/5/2008 | 6/10/2019 | B&P 10177(b) | Rap Accusation | |
H38575LA | Los Angeles | Reinstatement Granted | Syed, Abdul K | Salesperson | 386 GREENGATE ST CORONA, CA 92879 | 11/28/2012 | 6/13/2019 | B&P 10177(b) | Other | |
H41138LA | Los Angeles | Outright Revoc by Order Hearing | Homentum Acquisitions International Inc, | Corporation | 8/14/2018 | 6/3/2019 | Reg 2746, B&P 10177(a) | MLO Accusation | ||
H41138LA | Los Angeles | Outright Revoc by Order Hearing | Market Order Open Listings Xchange Inc., | Corporation | 8/14/2018 | 6/3/2019 | Reg 2746, B&P 10177(a) | MLO Accusation | ||
H41138LA | Los Angeles | Outright Revoc by Order Hearing | Marketorder Financial Services Inc., | Corporation | 8/14/2018 | 6/3/2019 | Reg 2746, B&P 10177(a) | MLO Accusation | ||
H41193LA | Los Angeles | Public Reprovals | Diza, Gerald Verde | Broker Officer | 17011 BEACH BLVD #900 HUNTINGTON BEACH, CA 92647 | 6/3/2019 | 6/24/2019 | B&P 10177(g), B&P 10140.6, B&P 10159.5, B&P 2731(e), Reg 2773, B&P 10137, B&P 10177(d) | Transactional Accusation | |
H41193LA | Los Angeles | Public Reprovals | Torabi, Steve Soheil | Salesperson | 1808 NIPOMO AVE LONG BEACH, CA 90815 | 6/3/2019 | 6/24/2019 | B&P 10131(a), B&P 10177(g), B&P 10130, B&P 10131(b), B&P 10177(d) | Transactional Accusation | |
H41200LA | Los Angeles | Revocation with Restr Lic by Stipulation | Ellis, Ronald Dean | Broker | PO BOX 891091 TEMECULA, CA 92589-1091 | 6/5/2019 | 6/25/2019 | B&P 10177(b), B&P 10186.2, Reg 2910, B&P 10177(a), B&P 10177(i) | Rap Accusation | |
H41206LA | Los Angeles | Revocation with Restr Lic by Order Hearing | Monsalve, Andres E | Salesperson | 28671 VISTA DEL RIO VALENCIA, CA 91354 | 11/14/2018 | 6/4/2019 | B&P 10177(f), B&P 475(a)(1), B&P 10186.2, B&P 10177(a), B&P 480(d) | Rap Accusation | |
H41231LA | Los Angeles | Outright Denial of Application | Hassan, Emad Eldeen | N/A | 12/18/2018 | 6/24/2019 | B&P 10177(a) | Statement of Issues | ||
H41237LA | Los Angeles | Outright Revoc by Order Hearing | Jessop, Hy | Salesperson | 1550 W HORIZON RIDGE PKWY #R214 HENDERSON, NV 89012 | 12/11/2018 | 6/20/2019 | B&P 10177(b), B&P 490 | Rap Accusation | |
H41261LA | Los Angeles | Revocation with Restr Lic by Stipulation | Frierson, Leshon Devon | Salesperson | 4111 GREEN AVE APT 17 LOS ALAMITOS, CA 90720 | 1/14/2019 | 6/3/2019 | B&P 10177(b) | Rap Accusation | |
H41288LA | Los Angeles | Voluntary License Surrender | Culen, David Jeffrey | Salesperson | 839 BELMONT AVE LONG BEACH, CA 90804 | 6/6/2019 | 6/26/2019 | B&P 10177(b), B&P 490 | Rap Accusation | |
H41292LA | Los Angeles | Denial with Restricted License by Stipulation | Sands, Brandon Dion | N/A | 2632 S AUGUSTA AVE ONTARIO, CA 91761 | 6/18/2019 | 6/13/2019 | B&P 10177(a) | Statement of Issues | |
H41314LA | Los Angeles | Outright Revoc by Default Decision | Khau, Lauren | Salesperson | 2327 GATES ST LOS ANGELES, CA 90031 | 3/8/2019 | 6/6/2019 | B&P 10177(b), B&P 10186.2, B&P 490 | Rap Accusation | |
H41320LA | Los Angeles | Outright Denial of Application | Williams, Tristan Elliott | N/A | 3/12/2019 | 6/18/2019 | B&P 10177(b), Reg 2910, B&P 480(a)(1), B&P 10177(a) | Statement of Issues | ||
H41323LA | Los Angeles | Outright Revoc by Default Decision | Davis, Devon | Salesperson | 3/19/2019 | 6/19/2019 | B&P 10186.2, B&P 10177(b) | Rap Accusation | ||
H41326LA | Los Angeles | Outright Revoc by Default Decision | Jang, Dae-Sig | Broker | 3/18/2019 | 6/17/2019 | B&P 10186.2, B&P 10177(b), B&P 490 | Rap Accusation | ||
H41344LA | Los Angeles | Voluntary License Surrender | International Solution Group California, Inc. | Corporation | 1/9/2020 | 6/20/2019 | B&P 10177(g), B&P 10177(f), B&P 10140.6, B&P 10236.4, B&P 10159.5, B&P 10162, B&P 10159.2, Reg 2715, B&P 10177(d), B&P 10165, Reg 2773, Reg 2725, B&P 10177(h) | Transactional Accusation | ||
H41353LA | Los Angeles | Denial with Restricted License by Stipulation | Poole, Shantray Riley | N/A | 1110 N IRIS AVE RIALTO, CA 92376 | 6/18/2019 | 6/13/2019 | Stip w/out Pleading | ||
H41364LA | Los Angeles | Denial with Restricted License by Stipulation | Mayo, Stephanie Michelle | N/A | 23452 SYLVAN ST WOODLAND HILLS, CA 91367 | 7/19/2019 | 6/21/2019 | B&P 10177(b), B&P 10177(a) | Stip w/out Pleading | |
H41376LA | Los Angeles | D&R Service - Unable to Effect | Tovar, Daniel Lee | N/A | 6/10/2019 | 6/21/2019 | B&P 10130, B&P 10167.2 | Desist & Refrain | ||
H41410LA | Los Angeles | Denial with Restricted License by Stipulation | Kuvshinikov, Elena | N/A | 22400 BEAR CREEK DR NORTH MURRIETA, CA 92562 | 7/12/2019 | 6/21/2019 | Stip w/out Pleading |