Summary of Enforcement Actions (3/1/2016 - 3/31/2016)
The Department of Real Estate is a licensing and regulatory agency empowered to seek disciplinary action through the State Office of Administrative Hearings against licensees who violate specific sections of the State Business and Professions Code. We also are empowered to file orders to desist and refrain against licensed and unlicensed individuals and entities. Available on this report are the following listings: disciplinary actions initiated against real estate licensees; filed orders to desist and refrain from unlawful activities; decisions on petition applications to reinstate/remove restrictions from licenses; applications for licenses that have been denied and/or were issued restricted licenses; and licenses that have been voluntarily surrendered.
NOTE: Click on the headings to sort by a specific column.
H01819FR | Sacramento | Removal of Restrictions Denied | Martinez, Luis Esteban | N/A | 434 W HARVARD AVE FRESNO, CA 93705 | 7/20/2005 | 3/23/2016 | B&P 10177(b), B&P 480(a) | Statement of Issues | |
H02047FR | Sacramento | Removal of Restrictions Granted | Colmenero, Connie Trujillo | N/A | 1710 W SAN MADELE AVE FRESNO, CA 93711 | 2/9/2007 | 3/16/2016 | B&P 10177(b), B&P 480(a) | Statement of Issues | |
H02946FR | Los Angeles | Outright Revocation | Cordova, Dinorah Lizbeth | Broker Officer | 1800 23 RD ST SUITE D BAKERSFIELD, CA 93301 | 5/21/2015 | 3/8/2016 | B&P 10177(b), B&P 10177(j), B&P 490 | Rap Accusation | |
H02966FR | Sacramento | Suspension with Stay - Monetary Penalty | Crawford, Matt Jay | Broker | 3520 OAKDALE RD STE C MODESTO, CA 95357 | 3/3/2016 | 3/24/2016 | B&P 10177(g), Reg 2831, Reg 2831.1, Reg 2832, Reg 2731, B&P 10177(d), Reg 2831.2 | Audit Accusation | |
H02974FR | Sacramento | Outright Denial of Application | Greene, Ronnie Edgar | N/A | 12/2/2015 | 3/1/2016 | B&P 10177(b), B&P 10177(j), B&P 10177(a), B&P 480(a), B&P 480(d) | Statement of Issues | ||
H02975FR | Los Angeles | Suspension[with stay] | Contreras, Fernando | Broker | 155 H STREET BAKERSFIELD, CA 93304 | 12/11/2015 | 3/29/2016 | B&P 10177(j) | Transactional Accusation | |
H02976FR | Sacramento | Outright Revocation | Del Real, Enrique | Salesperson | 1600 N CARPENTER ROAD SUITE A MODESTO, CA 95351 | 12/17/2015 | 3/24/2016 | B&P 10177(b), B&P 10186.2, B&P 10177(d), B&P 490 | Rap Accusation | |
H02977FR | Sacramento | Outright Revocation | Field Financial, | Corporation | 5100 N SIXTH ST STE #105 FRESNO, CA 93710- | 12/21/2015 | 3/24/2016 | B&P 10130, B&P 10131(b), B&P 10177(d), B&P 10137 | Transactional Accusation | |
H02980FR | Sacramento | D&R Service - Unable to Effect | Field Financial, | Corporation | 5100 N SIXTH ST STE #105 FRESNO, CA 93710- | 1/5/2016 | 3/3/2016 | B&P 10130 | Desist & Refrain | |
H02980FR | Sacramento | D&R Service - Unable to Effect | Field, Timothy Eugene | N/A | 5100 N SIXTH ST STE #105 FRESNO, CA 93710- | 1/5/2016 | 3/3/2016 | B&P 10130 | Desist & Refrain | |
H02980FR | Sacramento | D&R Service - Unable to Effect | King, Kim | N/A | 1/5/2016 | 3/3/2016 | B&P 10130 | Desist & Refrain | ||
H03041SD | Sacramento | Removal of Restrictions Granted | Plakosh, Michael Amedeo | Salesperson | 2782 CAMINITO ELDORADO DEL MAR, CA 92014 | 8/5/2004 | 3/17/2016 | B&P 10177(b), B&P 480(a) | Statement of Issues | |
H03058SD | Sacramento | Reinstatement Granted | Izidoro, Paul Phillip | Salesperson | PO BOX 82295 SAN DIEGO, CA 92138 | 8/23/2004 | 3/17/2016 | B&P 10177(b), B&P 490 | Rap Accusation | |
H04394SD | Sacramento | Outright Revocation | Diaz, Bernardo | Broker | 4364 BONITA RD #483 BONITA, CA 91902 | 8/6/2012 | 3/1/2016 | B&P 10176(a), B&P 10176(c), B&P 10177(j), Reg 2715, B&P 10177(d), B&P 10176(b), B&P 10177(i) | Transactional Accusation | |
H04496SD | Los Angeles | Suspension with Stay - Monetary Penalty | Chevalier, Paul Leonard | Broker | PO BOX 211584 CHULA VISTA, CA 91921 | 3/4/2016 | 3/24/2016 | B&P 10177(g), Reg 2834, B&P 10148, B&P 10130, Reg 2831, Reg 2832, B&P 10159.2, B&P 10137, B&P 10145, B&P 10177(h), Reg 2725, B&P 10177(d) | Audit Accusation | |
H04496SD | Los Angeles | Suspension with Stay - Monetary Penalty | Hill Rem, Inc., | N/A | 3/4/2016 | 3/24/2016 | B&P 10177(g), Reg 2834, B&P 10148, B&P 10130, Reg 2831, B&P 10159.2, B&P 10145, Reg 2725, B&P 10177(d), B&P 10137 | Audit Accusation | ||
H04512SD | Sacramento | Outright Revocation | Diaz, Bernardo | Broker | 4364 BONITA RD #483 BONITA, CA 91902 | 7/26/2013 | 3/1/2016 | Audit Accusation | ||
H04661SAC | Sacramento | Reinstatement Denied | Amaradio, Kenneth William | Broker | 1717 VAN DUESEN LA VERNE, CA 91750 | 1/29/2007 | 3/28/2016 | Reg 2832.1, Reg 2832, B&P 10145, B&P 10177(d) | Audit Accusation | |
H04731SD | Los Angeles | Outright Denial of Application | Quiroz, Alberto Quiroz | N/A | 6/30/2015 | 3/21/2016 | B&P 10177(b), B&P 480(a), B&P 475(a)(2) | Statement of Issues | ||
H04740SD | Los Angeles | Outright Revocation | Carmona, Nancy Karina | Salesperson | 27001 TERRYTOWN ROAD SUN CITY, CA 92586 | 8/24/2015 | 3/30/2016 | B&P 10177(b), B&P 490(a) | Rap Accusation | |
H04746SD | Los Angeles | Outright Revocation | Monahan, Timothy Scott | Salesperson | 352 C AVE CORONADO, CA 92118 | 9/25/2015 | 3/15/2016 | B&P 10177(j), B&P 10177(b), B&P 490 | Rap Accusation | |
H04747SD | Los Angeles | Outright Revocation | McCormick, Steven James | Broker | 2845 PERRYDALE RD DALLAS, OR 97338 | 9/28/2015 | 3/29/2016 | B&P 10131(a), B&P 10159.5, B&P 10162, Reg 2715, Reg 2710(c), B&P 10177(d) | Transactional Accusation | |
H04755SD | Los Angeles | Voluntary License Surrender | Yates, Amy Lee | Broker | 6680 LEMON LEAF DRIVE CARLSBAD, CA 92011 | 3/8/2016 | 3/29/2016 | B&P 10177(b), B&P 490 | Rap Accusation | |
H04765SD | Los Angeles | Outright Denial of Application | Miller, Eric Ronald | N/A | 1/11/2016 | 3/29/2016 | B&P 475(a)(1), B&P 10177(b), Reg 2910, B&P 10177(a), B&P 480(a), B&P 475(a)(2), B&P 480(c) | Statement of Issues | ||
H04767SD | Los Angeles | Outright Denial of Application | Sharghi, Christopher Hossein | N/A | 1/21/2016 | 3/24/2016 | B&P 475(a)(1), B&P 475(a)(3), B&P 480(a)(2), B&P 10177(b), Reg 2910, B&P 480(a)(1), B&P 10177(a), B&P 475(a)(2), B&P 480(d) | Statement of Issues | ||
H05184SAC | Sacramento | Reinstatement Granted | Silva, Sandra E | Salesperson | 279 KRAEMER CIRCLE #512 BREA, CA 92821 | 4/1/2009 | 3/16/2016 | B&P 10177(b), B&P 490 | Rap Accusation | |
H05411SAC | Sacramento | Reinstatement Granted | Coleman, Amy Marie | Broker Officer | 6210 WEST 4TH STREET RIO LINDA, CA 95673 | 11/3/2010 | 3/17/2016 | B&P 10177(g), B&P 10176(a), B&P 10176(i), B&P 10177(j) | Transactional Accusation | |
H05440SAC | Sacramento | Reinstatement Denied | Acquistapace, Joseph D | Salesperson | 6245 CAROLINDA DR GRANITE BAY, CA 957469437 | 8/13/2010 | 3/25/2016 | Reg 2970, B&P 10177(g), B&P 10145(c), B&P 10130, B&P 10176(i), B&P 10131(d), B&P 10177(j), B&P 10177(d), B&P 10085 | Transactional Accusation | |
H06099SAC | Sacramento | Revocation with Restricted License | A C O N Inc, | Corporation | 2/17/2016 | 3/8/2016 | B&P 10176(a), B&P 10177(g), Reg 2832.1, B&P 10148, B&P 10140.6, Reg 2831, B&P 10176(i), B&P 10177(j), Reg 2831.1, Reg 2773, B&P 10177(d), B&P 10145, Reg 2742(c), Reg 2831.2 | Audit Accusation | ||
H06099SAC | Sacramento | Revocation with Restricted License | Novelo, David Albert | Broker Officer | 4511 TENNESSEE DR SHINGLE SPRINGS, CA 95682 | 2/17/2016 | 3/8/2016 | Reg 2832.1, B&P 10176(a), B&P 10177(g), B&P 10148, Reg 2831, B&P 10140.6, B&P 10176(i), Reg 2831.1, B&P 10177(j), B&P 10177(d), B&P 10145, Reg 2773, Reg 2831.2, Reg 2742(c) | Audit Accusation | |
H06190SAC | Sacramento | Revocation with Restricted License | Ching, Gregory Keith | Broker Officer | 4088 BRIDGE ST #1 FAIR OAKS, CA 95628 | 2/18/2016 | 3/10/2016 | Reg 2832.1, B&P 10177(b), B&P 10145, Reg 2831.2 | Audit Accusation | |
H06208SAC | Los Angeles | Other Order | Osowsky, Marcia Joy | N/A | 2/4/2015 | 3/17/2016 | B&P 10177(b), B&P 480(a)(1), B&P 10177(a), B&P 480(c) | Statement of Issues | ||
H06249SAC | Sacramento | Suspension with Stay - Monetary Penalty | Law, Richard Alan | Broker Officer | 1721 EAST MAIN ST #3 GRASS VALLEY, CA 95945 | 2/23/2016 | 3/15/2016 | B&P 10177(g), B&P 10177(d), B&P 10177(h) | Audit Accusation | |
H06249SAC | Sacramento | Suspension[with stay] | Omega Home Loans, Inc., | Corporation | 340 ALEXANDER ST NEVADA CITY, CA 95959 | 2/23/2016 | 3/15/2016 | B&P 10177(g), Reg 2832.1, Reg 2834, Reg 2742, Reg 2832, B&P 10177(d), B&P 10145, Reg 2731, Reg 2831.2 | Audit Accusation | |
H06269SAC | Sacramento | Outright Revocation | Kaura, Vikaas K | Salesperson | 8055 ELK GROVE FLORIN RD SUITE G SACRAMENTO, CA 90829 | 6/12/2015 | 3/23/2016 | B&P 10177(b), B&P 10177(j), B&P 10186.2, B&P 10177(d), B&P 490 | Rap Accusation | |
H06279SAC | Sacramento | Outright Revocation | Madayag, Eileen Nepomuceno | Salesperson | 4049 PENNY LANE VALLEJO, CA 94591 | 7/9/2015 | 3/23/2016 | B&P 10177(b), B&P 10177(j), B&P 10177(d), B&P 490 | Rap Accusation | |
H06284SAC | Sacramento | Suspension with Stay - Monetary Penalty | Wyler, Kelly | Broker | P O BOX 2213 ORANGEVALE, CA 95662 | 2/12/2016 | 3/4/2016 | B&P 10145(a), Reg 2832.1, B&P 10177(g), B&P 10177(j), Reg 2832, B&P 10145, B&P 10177(d), Reg 2831.2 | Audit Accusation | |
H06289SAC | Sacramento | Public Reprovals | Jones Commercial Inc, | N/A | 2/23/2016 | 3/15/2016 | B&P 10162, Reg 2715, B&P 10177(d) | Transactional Accusation | ||
H06289SAC | Sacramento | Public Reprovals | Jones, Juli K | N/A | 2/23/2016 | 3/15/2016 | B&P 10162, Reg 2715, B&P 10177(d) | Transactional Accusation | ||
H06299SAC | Sacramento | Voluntary License Surrender | Krempin, Bob | Salesperson | 149 TYRONE CT VACAVILLE, CA 95688 | 2/9/2016 | 3/1/2016 | B&P 10186.2, B&P 10177(b), B&P 10177(d), B&P 490 | Rap Accusation | |
H06307SAC | Sacramento | Voluntary License Surrender | Bunch, Jerry Thomas | Salesperson | 8525 MADISON AVENUE #122 FAIR OAKS, CA 95628 | 3/3/2016 | 3/24/2016 | B&P 10177(b), B&P 10177(d), B&P 490 | Rap Accusation | |
H06310SAC | Sacramento | Outright Revocation | Garcia, Alfredo | Salesperson | 772 E PUENTE ST COVINA, CA 91723 | 9/29/2015 | 3/1/2016 | B&P 10177(b), B&P 10186.2, B&P 10177(d), B&P 490 | Rap Accusation | |
H06312SAC | Sacramento | Revocation with Restricted License | Bhupal, Baljinder | Salesperson | 1412 CHEETAH ST ROCKLIN, CA 95765 | 2/10/2016 | 3/2/2016 | B&P 10177(b), B&P 10186.2, B&P 10177(d), B&P 490 | Rap Accusation | |
H06318SAC | Sacramento | Outright Revocation | Boeger, Morris Allyn | Broker | 13010 CENTERVILLE RD CHICO, CA 95928 | 10/23/2015 | 3/9/2016 | B&P 10177(b), B&P 490 | Rap Accusation | |
H06324SAC | Sacramento | Outright Denial of Application | Wedgwood, Shan K | Salesperson | P O BOX 1238 CEDAR RIDGE, CA 95924 | 11/5/2015 | 3/28/2016 | B&P 10177(b), B&P 10177(j), B&P 480(a)(1), B&P 10177(a), B&P 480(d) | Statement of Issues | |
H06331SAC | Sacramento | Outright Revocation | Forrest, Mathew Jay | Broker | 404 SOUTH AUBURN STREET GRASS VALLEY, CA 95945 | 11/18/2015 | 3/23/2016 | B&P 10177(g), B&P 10177(d), B&P 10165 | Transactional Accusation | |
H06336SAC | Sacramento | Outright Denial of Application | Harr, Donald James | N/A | 12/7/2015 | 3/1/2016 | B&P 10177(b), B&P 480(a), B&P 10177(a), B&P 480(d) | Statement of Issues | ||
H06340SAC | Sacramento | Denial with Restricted License by Stipulation | Brandon, Laura Lynn | Broker | 11466 BOESSOW ROAD GALT, CA 95632 | 4/1/2016 | 3/30/2016 | B&P 10177(b), B&P 10177(a), B&P 480(a), B&P 480(d) | Statement of Issues | |
H06342SAC | Sacramento | Outright Revocation | Adams, Richard K | Broker | 11969 MATHIS WAY GRASS VALLEY, CA 95949 | 12/9/2015 | 3/25/2016 | B&P 10177(b), B&P 10177(j), B&P 490 | Rap Accusation | |
H06344SAC | Sacramento | Outright Revocation | Smith, Donald DeWayne | Broker | 117 CHURCH ST ROSEVILLE, CA 95678 | 12/9/2015 | 3/30/2016 | B&P 10186.2, B&P 10177(d), B&P 10177(a) | Rap Accusation | |
H06345SAC | Sacramento | Outright Denial of Application | Gimbel, Sandra | N/A | 12/16/2015 | 3/25/2016 | B&P 10177(b), B&P 480(a)(1), B&P 10177(a), B&P 480(d) | Statement of Issues | ||
H06349SAC | Sacramento | Voluntary License Surrender | Reel, Andrew Wayne | Salesperson | 8647 NIGHTSHADE CT ELK GROVE, CA 95624 | 2/22/2016 | 3/14/2016 | B&P 10177(g), B&P 10177(f) | Rap Accusation | |
H06350SAC | Sacramento | D&R Service - Unable to Effect | Dominguez, Lisa Marie | N/A | 1/20/2016 | 3/9/2016 | B&P 10131(a), B&P 10026, B&P 10130, B&P 10131(d) | Desist & Refrain | ||
H06352SAC | Sacramento | Outright Denial of Application | Craighead, Jess Mitchell | N/A | 1/26/2016 | 3/25/2016 | B&P 10177(b), B&P 480(a)(2), B&P 10177(j), B&P 480(a) | Statement of Issues | ||
H06355SAC | Sacramento | Other Order | Holt & Company Inc, | Corporation | 2/9/2016 | 3/1/2016 | Other | |||
H06355SAC | Sacramento | Other Order | Holt, Michael Howard | Broker Officer | P O BOX 255037 SACRAMENTO, CA 95865 | 2/9/2016 | 3/1/2016 | Other | ||
H08521SF | Sacramento | Reinstatement Granted | Jackson, Jonathan Louis | Salesperson | 393 ALRIC DRIVE SAN JOSE, CA 95123 | 9/12/2003 | 3/16/2016 | B&P 10177(b), B&P 490 | Rap Accusation | |
H09139SF | Sacramento | Removal of Restrictions Granted | O'Connor, Richard John | Salesperson | 1085 MURRIETA BLVD #210 LIVERMORE, CA 94550 | 10/4/2005 | 3/17/2016 | B&P 10177(b), B&P 480(a) | Statement of Issues | |
H11145SF | Sacramento | Reinstatement Denied | Mckissick, Ransome Carl | Salesperson Officer | 495 RICHFIELD DR, #2 SAN JOSE, CA 95129 | 5/27/2011 | 3/25/2016 | B&P 10177(b), B&P 490 | Rap Accusation | |
H11199SF | Sacramento | Removal of Restrictions Denied | Singh, Jagdeep | Broker | 364 OLIVER ST MILPITAS, CA 95035 | 12/15/2011 | 3/28/2016 | B&P 10177(f), B&P 10177(d), B&P 10137 | Statement of Issues | |
H11371SF | Sacramento | Reinstatement Denied | Li, Yu Shan | Salesperson | 5/8/2012 | 3/28/2016 | B&P 10177(b), B&P 490 | Rap Accusation | ||
H11419SF | Sacramento | Removal of Restrictions Granted | Branam, Stephen Robert | Broker | P O BOX 6503 ALBANY, CA 94706 | 7/9/2012 | 3/6/2016 | B&P 10177(b), B&P 480(a) | Statement of Issues | |
H11781SF | Sacramento | Suspension No Stay | Thomas, Roderick | Broker | 2491 SAN RAMON BLVD #1 SAN RAMON, CA 94583 | 3/3/2016 | 3/24/2016 | Reg 2972, B&P 10166.02(a), B&P 10166.08, B&P 10146, Reg 2831, B&P 10176(e), B&P 10166.02(b), Reg 2831.1, Reg 2832, B&P 10177(d), B&P 10145, B&P 10140.6(b), B&P 10085.6, Reg 2831.2 | Audit Accusation | |
H11827SF | Sacramento | Outright Revocation | Provost, James Carl | Broker Officer | PO BOX 390 SANTA ROSA, CA 95402 | 3/19/2015 | 3/30/2016 | B&P 10177(b), B&P 10186.2, B&P 490 | Rap Accusation | |
H11844SF | Sacramento | Outright Revocation | Totten, Donald V | Salesperson | 140 OAKMONT WAY LOS GATOS, CA 95032 | 5/27/2015 | 3/23/2016 | B&P 10177(b), B&P 10186.2, B&P 10177(d), B&P 490 | Rap Accusation | |
H11845SF | Sacramento | Revocation with Restricted License | Rocha, Miguel | Broker | 2187 BENTLEY RIDGE DR SAN JOSE, CA 95138 | 5/27/2015 | 3/4/2016 | B&P 10177(b), B&P 490 | Rap Accusation | |
H11862SF | Sacramento | Suspension with Stay - Monetary Penalty | AMP Properties Inc., | N/A | 2/23/2016 | 3/15/2016 | Reg 2832.1, Reg 2831, B&P 10176(e), B&P 10140.6, B&P 10162, Reg 2832, Reg 2715, B&P 10177(d), B&P 10145, Reg 2773, Reg 2831.2 | Audit Accusation | ||
H11862SF | Sacramento | Suspension with Stay - Monetary Penalty | Peterson, Anthony Michael | N/A | 3830 BRET HARTE DR REDWOOD CITY, CA 94061 | 2/23/2016 | 3/15/2016 | B&P 10177(h) | Audit Accusation | |
H11875SF | Sacramento | Revocation with Restricted License | Maskell, Brion Scott | Broker | 1660 SAN PABLO AVE STE F PINOLE, CA 94564 | 3/7/2016 | 3/28/2016 | Reg 2832.1, B&P 10177(g), Reg 2835, Reg 2834, Reg 2831, B&P 10176(e), Reg 2832, Reg 2831.1, B&P 10145, B&P 10177(d) | Audit Accusation | |
H11911SF | Sacramento | Outright Denial of Application | Ghammashi, Anis | N/A | 12/11/2015 | 3/24/2016 | B&P 10177(b), B&P 480(a)(2), B&P 10177(j), B&P 10177(a), B&P 480(a), B&P 480(d) | Statement of Issues | ||
H11918SF | Sacramento | Outright Denial of Application | Stout, Steven Jay | N/A | 1191 CARRIE LEE WAY SAN JOSE, CA 95118 | 12/21/2015 | 3/25/2016 | B&P 10177(b), B&P 480(a)(1) | Statement of Issues | |
H11928SF | Sacramento | Outright Denial of Application | Chambers, Lyle Clayton | N/A | 12/30/2015 | 3/24/2016 | B&P 10177(b), B&P 480(a)(1), B&P 10177(a), B&P 480(d) | Statement of Issues | ||
H11930SF | Sacramento | Voluntary License Surrender | O'loughlin, Kathleen | Salesperson | 65 ORA WAY #108 SAN FRANCISCO, CA 94131 | 2/10/2016 | 3/2/2016 | B&P 10176(a), B&P 10177(g), B&P 10177(f), B&P 10176(i), B&P 10177(b), B&P 10186.2, B&P 10177(j), B&P 10177(d), B&P 10177(a), B&P 490, B&P 10176(m) | Rap Accusation | |
H11936SF | Sacramento | D&R Service - Unable to Effect | Jenkins, Ofunneka Uzoamaka | Salesperson | 910 EAST HAMILTON AVE #130 CAMPBELL, CA 95008 | 1/21/2016 | 3/18/2016 | B&P 10130, B&P 10131(b) | Desist & Refrain | |
H11938SF | Sacramento | Outright Denial of Application | Fu, Weihai | N/A | 1/27/2016 | 3/24/2016 | B&P 10177(b), B&P 480(a)(1) | Statement of Issues | ||
H11939SF | Sacramento | Voluntary License Surrender | Guan, Julia FengLai | Salesperson | 4138 LINETTA CT SAN JOSE, CA 95148 | 3/2/2016 | 3/23/2016 | B&P 10166.051, B&P 10176(i), B&P 10177(b), B&P 10177(j), B&P 10186.2, B&P 10177(d), B&P 10177(a), B&P 490 | Rap Accusation | |
H33225LA | Los Angeles | Removal of Restrictions Granted | Lu Tran, Brandon Minh | Broker | 627 N 2ND STREET ALHAMBRA, CA 91801 | 9/27/2006 | 3/17/2016 | B&P 475(a)(1), B&P 10177(b), B&P 480(a), B&P 10177(a), B&P 475(a)(2), B&P 480(c) | Statement of Issues | |
H35022LA | Sacramento | Reinstatement Granted | Seagren, Sean Garrie | Salesperson | 1106 2ND ST #289 ENCINITAS, CA 92024 | 6/11/2008 | 3/17/2016 | B&P 10177(b), B&P 490 | Rap Accusation | |
H36095LA | Los Angeles | Removal of Restrictions Granted | Fenty, Marlin Reneire | Salesperson | 12607 AGUA CAYENDO RD DESERT HOT SPRINGS, CA 92240 | 7/3/2009 | 3/17/2016 | B&P 10177(b), B&P 480(a) | Statement of Issues | |
H36162LA | Los Angeles | Reinstatement Granted | Seny, Isaac Daryl | Broker | 19980 VIA NATALIE YORBA LINDA, CA 92887 | 8/6/2009 | 3/18/2016 | B&P 10176(a), B&P 10177(g), B&P 10177(d) | Transactional Accusation | |
H37278LA | Los Angeles | Revocation with Restricted License | American Frontier Financial Group, | Corporation | 776 E GREEN ST PASADENA, CA 91101 | 5/16/2011 | 3/10/2016 | B&P 10176(a), B&P 10177(g), B&P 10148, B&P 10176(c), Reg 2831, Reg 2840, B&P 10130, Reg 2753, B&P 10160, B&P 10236.4(b), B&P 10145, B&P 10177(d), B&P 10137, B&P 10240 | Audit Accusation | |
H38665LA | Los Angeles | Reinstatement Granted | Reese, Donald | Broker Officer | 1230 MADERA RD STE 5 # 279 SIMI VALLEY, CA 93065 | 1/23/2013 | 3/22/2016 | B&P 10177(b) | Statement of Issues | |
H38839LA | Los Angeles | Voluntary License Surrender | Cea, Nancy Veronica | Broker | 4095 E LA PALMA STE Q ANAHEIM, CA 92807 | 4/26/2013 | 3/9/2016 | Reg 2832.1, B&P 10177(g), Reg 2834, B&P 10148, Reg 2831, Reg 2832(a), B&P 10159.5, B&P 10130, B&P 10176(i), Reg 2950(d), Reg 2951, Reg 2831.1, B&P 10145, Reg 2950(g), Reg 2731, B&P 10137, Reg 2831.2, Reg 2950(i) | Audit Accusation | |
H39012LA | Los Angeles | Voluntary License Surrender | Gordon, Jay Allen | Salesperson | 3414 WATERMARKE PL IRVINE, CA 92612 | 2/10/2016 | 3/2/2016 | Reg 2832.1, B&P 10176(a), B&P 10177(g), B&P 10176(c), Reg 2834, Reg 2752, B&P 10148, Reg 2831, B&P 10176(e), B&P 10130, B&P 10176(i), B&P 10161.8, Reg 2831.1, Reg 2832, B&P 10159.2, B&P 10145, B&P 10177(h), B&P 10177(d), B&P 10176(b), Reg 2831.2 | Audit Accusation | |
H39014LA | Los Angeles | Voluntary License Surrender | Gordon, Jay Allen | Salesperson | 3414 WATERMARKE PL IRVINE, CA 92612 | 12/30/2016 | 3/2/2016 | B&P 10176(a), B&P 10177(g), Reg 2970, Reg 2972, B&P 10145(c), B&P 10146, B&P 10148, B&P 10130, B&P 10159.5, B&P 10163, B&P 10176(i), B&P 10145, B&P 10137, Reg 2731, B&P 10140.6(b), B&P 10177(h), B&P 10177(d), B&P 10085 | Audit Accusation | |
H39365LA | Los Angeles | Outright Revocation | Novak, Ramona Kay | Salesperson | 35559 STOCKTON ST BEAUMONT, CA 92223 | 3/12/2014 | 3/29/2016 | B&P 10177(g), B&P 10148, Reg 2831, B&P 10176(e), Reg 2840, B&P 10176(i), B&P 10161.8, B&P 10145(a)(1), B&P 10177(j), B&P 10159.2, B&P 10145, B&P 10177(d), B&P 10240 | Audit Accusation | |
H39365LA | Los Angeles | Outright Revocation | Redlands Realty Inc, | Corporation | PO BOX 9535 REDLANDS, CA 92375 | 3/12/2014 | 3/29/2016 | B&P 10177(g), B&P 10176(a), B&P 10148, B&P 10176(e), Reg 2840, Reg 2831, B&P 10161.8, B&P 10176(i), B&P 10145(a)(1), B&P 10177(j), B&P 10159.2, B&P 10241(c), B&P 10145, B&P 10177(d), Reg 2840.1, Reg 2742(c), B&P 10240, B&P 10176(i) | Audit Accusation | |
H39571LA | Los Angeles | Outright Revocation | Bentley, William Edward | Salesperson | 4508 ATLANTIC AVE #808 LONG BEACH, CA 90807 | 8/8/2014 | 3/16/2016 | B&P 10177(b), B&P 490 | Rap Accusation | |
H39756LA | Los Angeles | Other Order | McCarthy, John Joseph | Officer | 100 WILSHIRE BLVD SUITE 700 SANTA MONICA, CA 90401 | 2/27/2015 | 3/29/2016 | B&P 475(a)(3), B&P 480(a)(2), B&P 10177(b), B&P 480(a)(1), B&P 475(a)(2) | Statement of Issues | |
H39799LA | Los Angeles | Suspension with Stay - Monetary Penalty | DLT Legends Realty, Inc., | Corporation | 15073 IMPERIAL HWY LA MIRADA, CA 90638 | 2/24/2016 | 3/25/2016 | B&P 10177(g), B&P 10145, B&P 10177(d) | Audit Accusation | |
H39799LA | Los Angeles | Suspension with Stay - Monetary Penalty | Naudin, Michael Robert | Broker | 601 EAST ROCKAWAY PLACENTIA, CA 92870 | 2/24/2016 | 3/25/2016 | B&P 10177(g), B&P 10145, B&P 10177(d) | Audit Accusation | |
H39807LA | Los Angeles | Outright Denial of Application | Olsen, Stewart L | N/A | 4/16/2015 | 3/21/2016 | B&P 10177(f), B&P 475(a)(1), B&P 10177(a), B&P 480(c) | Statement of Issues | ||
H39881LA | Los Angeles | Other Order | DMC Inc, | Corporation | 3/8/2016 | 3/28/2016 | Reg 2832.1, B&P 10234(a), B&P 10176(a), B&P 10176(g), B&P 10159, Reg 2832(a), B&P 10238(l), B&P 10176(i), Reg 2951, Reg 2950(d), B&P 10177(j), B&P 10145, Reg 2950(g), B&P 10232.4(a), Reg 2731, B&P 10177(d), Reg 2950(i), B&P 10238(h), Reg 2846 | Audit Accusation | ||
H39881LA | Los Angeles | Other Order | Newfield, Larry Fred | Broker Officer | 2081 BUSINESS CENTER DR STE 155 IRVINE, CA 92612-1104 | 3/8/2016 | 3/28/2016 | B&P 10233(a), B&P 10177(q), B&P 10238(k), Reg 2832(a), B&P 10159.5, Reg 2731, B&P 10145, B&P 10177(d) | Audit Accusation | |
H39886LA | Los Angeles | Outright Revocation | Hartounian, Daniel | Salesperson | 383 COUNTRY CLUB DR #16 SIMI VALLEY, CA 93065 | 6/29/2015 | 3/30/2016 | B&P 10177(a) | Rap Accusation | |
H39887LA | Los Angeles | Vol Lic Surr MLO Lic Endorsemt | Maddux, Walter Curtis | Broker | PO BOX 73381 SAN CLEMENTE, CA 92673 | 2/25/2016 | 3/16/2016 | B&P 10177(a) | Transactional Accusation | |
H39911LA | Los Angeles | Voluntary License Surrender | Recinos Molina, Tomas Antonio | Salesperson | 9836 S ATLANTIC AVE SOUTH GATE, CA 90280 | 3/10/2016 | 3/30/2016 | B&P 10177(b), B&P 490 | Rap Accusation | |
H39927LA | Los Angeles | Denial with Restricted License by Stipulation | Goodman, Howard | N/A | 64518 SPYGLASS AVE DESERT HOT SPRINGS, CA 92240 | 2/16/2016 | 3/7/2016 | B&P 475(a)(3), B&P 480(a)(2), B&P 10177(b), B&P 480(a)(1), B&P 475(a)(2) | Statement of Issues | |
H39944LA | Los Angeles | Revocation with Restricted License | Rosenberg, Michael Loren | Officer | 12612 EMELITA ST VALLEY VILLAGE, CA 91607-1017 | 8/18/2015 | 3/30/2016 | B&P 10177(f) | Rap Accusation | |
H39964LA | Los Angeles | Voluntary License Surrender | Rodriquez, Rodrigo | Salesperson | 82-156 ORANGE GROVE AVE INDIO, CA 92201- | 3/9/2016 | 3/29/2016 | B&P 10177(b), B&P 10177(j), B&P 490 | Rap Accusation | |
H40005LA | Los Angeles | Outright Revocation | Lotzgesell, Kirk Robert | Salesperson | 31634 MCCARTNEY WINCHESTER, CA 92596 | 11/4/2015 | 3/16/2016 | B&P 10177(b), B&P 490 | Rap Accusation | |
H40010LA | Los Angeles | Outright Revocation | Johnson, Paul Jefferson | Salesperson | 11/9/2015 | 3/15/2016 | B&P 10186.2 (b), B&P 10177(b) | Rap Accusation | ||
H40021LA | Los Angeles | Outright Revocation | Full Spectrum Financial Inc, | Corporation | 11/17/2015 | 3/1/2016 | Transactional Accusation | |||
H40021LA | Los Angeles | Outright Revocation | Lawrence, Patrick Nicholas | Broker Officer | 11/17/2015 | 3/1/2016 | B&P 10177(g), B&P 10162, Reg 2715, B&P 10165, B&P 10177(d) | Transactional Accusation | ||
H40025LA | Los Angeles | Out Dn App RE Lic,MLO Lic Endr | Yudell, Lane Scott | N/A | 11/17/2015 | 3/1/2016 | B&P 10166.05(c), Reg 2758.3, B&P 10166.051(b) | Statement of Issues | ||
H40035LA | Los Angeles | Outright Denial of Application | Boyd, Douglas Scott | N/A | PO BOX 720799 PINON HILLS, CA 92372 | 11/19/2015 | 3/25/2016 | B&P 10166.05(c), Reg 2758.3 | Statement of Issues | |
H40045LA | Los Angeles | Outright Revocation | MacLennan, Steven Kenneth | Salesperson | 12/1/2015 | 3/23/2016 | B&P 10177(b), Reg 2910, B&P 490 | Rap Accusation | ||
H40050LA | Los Angeles | Denial with Restricted License by Stipulation | Suncire, Roland Nathaniel | Salesperson | 15325 MAGNOLIA BLVD #302 SHERMAN OAKS, CA 91403 | 4/8/2016 | 3/28/2016 | B&P 475(a)(1), B&P 10177(b), Reg 2910, B&P 10177(a), B&P 480(a), B&P 475(a)(2), B&P 480(d) | Statement of Issues | |
H40063LA | Los Angeles | Outright Revocation | Osoria, Denys | Salesperson | 1240 EAST ONTARIO AVE #102 154 CORONA, CA 92881 | 12/14/2015 | 3/28/2016 | B&P 10176(g), B&P 10176(a), B&P 10148, B&P 10130, B&P 10159.5, Reg 2731(a), B&P 10177(c), B&P 10159.2, B&P 10177(j), B&P 10186.2, B&P 10177(h), Reg 2725, B&P 10137, B&P 10177(d), B&P 10176(b), Fin. Code 17006(a)(4) | Transactional Accusation | |
H40065LA | Los Angeles | Outright Revocation | Barajas, Alonso M | Salesperson | 6218 RIVERSIDE AVE APT C BELL, CA 90201 | 12/16/2015 | 3/23/2016 | B&P 10177(b), Reg 2910, B&P 490 | Rap Accusation | |
H40067LA | Los Angeles | Outright Revocation | Rivera, Ruby Jean | Salesperson | 12/17/2015 | 3/23/2016 | B&P 10177(b), Reg 2910, B&P 490 | Rap Accusation | ||
H40068LA | Los Angeles | Outright Revocation | Lyon, Colby David | Salesperson | 12/17/2015 | 3/28/2016 | B&P 10177(b), Reg 2910, B&P 490 | Rap Accusation | ||
H40073LA | Los Angeles | Outright Revocation | Ebrahimi, Nabila | Broker | 370 MERCEDES AVE PASADENA, CA 91107 | 12/21/2015 | 3/3/2016 | B&P 10177(b), Reg 2910, B&P 490 | Rap Accusation | |
H40087LA | Los Angeles | Outright Denial of Application | Shank, Kiley Glenn | N/A | 1/5/2016 | 3/1/2016 | B&P 475(a)(1), B&P 475(a)(3), B&P 480(a)(2), B&P 10177(b), B&P 480(a)(1), B&P 10177(a), B&P 475(a)(2), B&P 480(d) | Statement of Issues | ||
H40096LA | Los Angeles | Revocation with Restricted License | Jordan, Willie W | Broker | 12875 TILDEN DR RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CA 91739 | 3/8/2016 | 3/28/2016 | B&P 10177(g), B&P 10177(k), B&P 10232(e), Reg 2835, B&P 10176(e), B&P 10159.5, B&P 10145, B&P 10177(d), Reg 2731 | Audit Accusation | |
H40101LA | Los Angeles | D&R Service - Unable to Effect | Calderon, John | N/A | 1/12/2016 | 3/8/2016 | Desist & Refrain | |||
H40101LA | Los Angeles | D&R Service - Unable to Effect | Wingspan Property Management & Develop, | N/A | 1/12/2016 | 3/8/2016 | Desist & Refrain | |||
H40109LA | Los Angeles | Outright Denial of Application | Del Real, Ramon | N/A | 1/20/2016 | 3/23/2016 | B&P 10177(b), Reg 2910, B&P 480(a), B&P 475(a)(2) | Statement of Issues | ||
H40142LA | Los Angeles | D&R Service - Unable to Effect | Quintanilla, Ana Luz | N/A | 2/17/2016 | 3/30/2016 | Desist & Refrain | |||
H40164LA | Los Angeles | D&R Service - Unable to Effect | Cabrera, Rafael Castillo | N/A | 3/11/2016 | 3/22/2016 | Desist & Refrain | |||
H40164LA | Los Angeles | D&R Service Effected - Per Ser | RCT Home Loan Service, | N/A | 3/11/2016 | 3/22/2016 | Desist & Refrain | |||
H40164LA | Los Angeles | D&R Service Effected - Per Ser | RCT Real Estate Services, | N/A | 3/11/2016 | 3/22/2016 | Desist & Refrain | |||
H40178LA | Los Angeles | Denial with Restricted License by Stipulation | Holland, Kenneth Ray | N/A | 150 EAST LAKESHORE DR UNIT 25 LAKE ELSINORE, CA 92530 | 3/28/2016 | 3/23/2016 | B&P 475(a)(1), B&P 475(a)(3), B&P 10177(b), B&P 10177(a), B&P 475(a)(2), B&P 480(d) | Statement of Issues | |
H40189LA | Los Angeles | Denial with Restricted License by Stipulation | Tsang, Howard | Salesperson | 2743 EARLE AVE ROSEMEAD, CA 91770 | 4/5/2016 | 3/29/2016 | B&P 10177(b), B&P 10177(a), B&P 480(a), B&P 480(c) | Other | |
H40191LA | Los Angeles | Denial with Restricted License by Stipulation | Almstead, Regina | Salesperson | 205 WINDJAMER CT STAFFORD, VA 22554 | 4/6/2016 | 3/29/2016 | B&P 10177(b), B&P 10177(j), B&P 480(a) | Other |