Summary of Enforcement Actions (2/1/2020 - 2/29/2020)

The Department of Real Estate is a licensing and regulatory agency empowered to seek disciplinary action through the State Office of Administrative Hearings against licensees who violate specific sections of the State Business and Professions Code. We also are empowered to file orders to desist and refrain against licensed and unlicensed individuals and entities. Available on this report are the following listings: disciplinary actions initiated against real estate licensees; filed orders to desist and refrain from unlawful activities; decisions on petition applications to reinstate/remove restrictions from licenses; applications for licenses that have been denied and/or were issued restricted licenses; and licenses that have been voluntarily surrendered.

NOTE: Click on the headings to sort by a specific column.

H03210FRLos AngelesSuspension[with stay]Wheeler, Mary AnnN/A9/28/20182/3/2020B&P 10177(b), Reg 2910, B&P 490Rap Accusation
H03226FRSacramentoOutright Revoc by Default DecisionRaeber, Mark WayneBroker13127 HOOD AVE HANFORD, CA 9323010/8/20192/11/2020B&P 10177(g)Transactional Accusation
H03227FRLos AngelesOutright Revoc by Order HearingPeterson, Lisett ReneeSalesperson10801 VISTA DEL RANCHO BAKERSFIELD, CA 9331111/30/20182/6/2020B&P 10177(b), Reg 2910, B&P 490Rap Accusation
H03251FRSacramentoOutright Revoc by Default DecisionRaeber, Mark WayneBroker13127 HOOD AVE HANFORD, CA 9323010/8/20192/11/2020B&P 10145(a), B&P 10176(e), Reg 2831.1, B&P 10145Audit Accusation
H03282FRSacramentoOutright Denial of ApplicationPriaulx, Gregory ElijahSalesperson11/20/20192/26/2020B&P 10177(b), B&P 480(a)(1), B&P 10177(a), B&P 480(d)Statement of Issues
H04723SDLos AngelesReinstatement GrantedVanderhei, Steven RobertBroker Officer900 ROSE ARBOR DRIVE SAN MARCOS, CA 920786/4/20152/27/2020B&P 10177(g), B&P 10130, B&P 10176(i), B&P 10159.2, B&P 10177(j), B&P 10177(d), B&P 10177(h), B&P 10085.5, B&P 10085.6MLO Accusation
H04916SDLos AngelesReinstatement DeniedShannon, Cyndy LSalesperson26024 WESTRIDGE AVE MENIFEE, CA 925867/11/20172/3/2020B&P 10186.2, B&P 10177(b), B&P 490Rap Accusation
H05094SDLos AngelesOutright Revoc by Default DecisionLa, Lena PhuongSalesperson600 FRONT ST APT#224 SAN DIEGO, CA 921019/19/20192/3/2020B&P 10186.2, B&P 10177(b), B&P 490Rap Accusation
H05116SDLos AngelesOutright Revoc by Default DecisionDias, Daniel CharlesSalesperson12/16/20192/26/2020B&P 10177(f), B&P 10186.2, B&P 10177(b)Rap Accusation
H05119SDLos AngelesOther OrderBertrand, Casey DonavonN/A1/7/20202/27/2020B&P 10177(b)Statement of Issues
H05454SACSacramentoReinstatement GrantedMedinas, Stacey KathleenSalesperson3821 DUBAC WAY SACRAMENTO, CA 958648/26/20102/27/2020B&P 10177(b), B&P 490Rap Accusation
H05518SACSacramentoReinstatement GrantedWalker, William WSalespersonPO BOX #1704 YUBA CITY, CA 9599212/10/20102/21/2020B&P 10177(b), B&P 490Rap Accusation
H06023SACSacramentoRemoval of Restrictions GrantedYoung, Jess WestonSalesperson131 SAWMILL CIR UNIT 203 HEALDSBURG, CA 954485/15/20142/13/2020B&P 10177(b), B&P 480(a), B&P 10177(a), B&P 480(c)Denial Letter - Statement of Issues
H06684SACSacramentoOutright Denial of ApplicationMarty, Peter JSalesperson5/17/20182/13/2020Statement of Issues
H06801SACSacramentoSuspension with Stay - Monetary PenaltyAmerican Real Estate Services Group, Corporation422 CENTURY PARK DR YUBA CITY, CA 959915/9/20192/14/2020B&P 10176.5, B&P 10177(g), B&P 10177(d)Transactional Accusation
H06801SACSacramentoSuspension with Stay - Monetary PenaltyCaudill, Donald LeeBroker Officer1078 FRANKLIN AVENUE #13 YUBA CITY, CA 959915/9/20192/14/2020B&P 10176.5, B&P 10177(g), B&P 10177(d)Transactional Accusation
H06813SACSacramentoVoluntary License SurrenderDelta Dreams Property Management,, Inc.Corporation5/21/20192/13/2020Reg 2832.1, B&P 10145(a), B&P 10177(g), Reg 2834, B&P 10130, B&P 10145, B&P 10137, B&P 10177(d)Audit Accusation
H06813SACSacramentoVoluntary License SurrenderHannah-Smith, Renee AlyssaSalesperson5/21/20192/13/2020B&P 10177(g), B&P 10140.6, B&P 10130, Reg 2773, B&P 10137, B&P 10177(d)Audit Accusation
H06820SACSacramentoOutright Revoc by Default DecisionAsay, Thomas ScottSalesperson6/27/20192/11/2020Rap Accusation
H06855SACSacramentoRevocation with Restr Lic by StipulationBlackstad, Ian AlexanderN/A1404 HESKET WAY SACRAMENTO, CA 958257/10/20192/14/2020B&P 10177(b), B&P 10177(d), B&P 490Rap Accusation
H06860SACSacramentoRevocation with Restr Lic by StipulationCrown Point Financial Group Inc, Corporation8250 CALVINE RD # C310 SACRAMENTO, CA 958287/23/20192/12/2020B&P 10234(a), B&P 10177(g), B&P 10238(k), B&P 10148, B&P 10232.4, Reg 2842, B&P 10177(p), B&P 10238(f)(1), B&P 10232.45, B&P 10166.02, B&P 10236.7(a), B&P 10232.2(c), B&P 10240, B&P 10238(h), Reg 2846MLO Accusation
H06860SACSacramentoRevocation with Restr Lic by StipulationLal, Reginald R.Broker Officer8250 CALVINE RD #C310 SACRAMENTO, CA 958287/23/20192/12/2020B&P 10177(g), B&P 10234(a), B&P 10148, B&P 10238(k), B&P 10232.4, B&P 10177(p), Reg 2842, B&P 10166.02, B&P 10232.45, B&P 10238(f)(1), B&P 10232.2(c), B&P 10236.7(a), B&P 10238(h), B&P 10240, Reg 2846MLO Accusation
H06887SACSacramentoOutright Denial of ApplicationBrickel, Keith ScottN/A10/14/20192/5/2020B&P 10177(b), B&P 480(a)(1), B&P 10177(a), B&P 480(d)Statement of Issues
H06888SACSacramentoOutright Denial of ApplicationLink, John DavidN/A10/1/20192/13/2020B&P 10177(b), B&P 480(a)(1), B&P 10177(a), B&P 480(d)Statement of Issues
H11580SFSacramentoRemoval of Restrictions GrantedColucci, James ChristopherN/A10/30/20132/13/2020B&P 10177(b), B&P 480(a)Other
H12333SFSacramentoRevocation with Restr Lic by StipulationGold Leaf Real Estate Inc., Corporation11/9/20182/12/2020B&P 10145(a), B&P 10176(f), Reg 2832, Reg 2742(c)Audit Accusation
H12333SFSacramentoRevocation with Restr Lic by StipulationLowe, Linda DianeBroker Officer533 AIRPORT BLVD SUITE 506 BURLINGAME, CA 9401011/9/20182/12/2020B&P 10159.2, B&P 10177(h)Audit Accusation
H12341SFSacramentoVoluntary License SurrenderLegend Real Estate & Finance, Corporation1/24/20192/20/2020Reg 2832.1, B&P 3007.6, B&P 10163, B&P 10130, Reg 2831, B&P 10176(i), B&P 10145(d), Reg 2831.1, Reg 2832, Reg 2773, B&P 10145, B&P 10177(d), Reg 2831.2Audit Accusation
H12341SFSacramentoVoluntary License SurrenderLi, XudongBroker Officer3375 SCOTT BLVD STE 306 SANTA CLARA, CA 95054-31131/24/20192/20/2020B&P 10159.5, B&P 10159.2, B&P 10177(h), Reg 2725Audit Accusation
H12370SFSacramentoOutright Denial of ApplicationMcElroy, Tyler NeilSalesperson6/20/20192/19/2020B&P 10177(b), B&P 480(a), B&P 10177(a), B&P 480(c), B&P 480(d)Statement of Issues
H12381SFSacramentoOutright Denial of ApplicationClarke, Johnny LeeN/A7/31/20192/19/2020B&P 480(a)(2), B&P 10177(j), B&P 10177(b), B&P 480(a)(1), B&P 480(a), B&P 10177(a), B&P 480(d), B&P 480(c)Statement of Issues
H12413SFSacramentoOrder Granting Unrstric LicenseBergeron, Eric EugeneSalesperson28137 VIA LUIS LAGUNA NIGUEL, CA 92677-754710/4/20192/13/2020B&P 10177(j), B&P 480(a)(2), B&P 10177(b), B&P 480(a)(1), B&P 480(a), B&P 10177(a), B&P 480(d), B&P 480(c)Statement of Issues
H12420SFSacramentoOutright Revoc by Default DecisionSkwarzynski, Donna LeeBroker1709 HALLMARK LN SAN JOSE, CA 9512410/14/20192/28/2020Reg 2725Audit Accusation
H12422SFSacramentoOutright Revoc by Default DecisionStameroff, Arthur GeorgeBroker120 4TH ST #2127 PETALUMA, CA 9495210/15/20192/27/2020B&P 10177(b), B&P 10177(j), B&P 490(a), B&P 10177(d), B&P 10186.2(a)(1)(B) , B&P 10186.2(a)(1), B&P 490Rap Accusation
H29114LALos AngelesReinstatement DeniedJones, AlfordBroker513 NEW FIELD ST GARDENA, CA 902487/2/20012/11/2020B&P 10145(a), B&P 10177(g), B&P 10148, B&P 10176(e), Reg 2831, B&P 10176(i), Reg 2831.1, Reg 2832, B&P 10177(d)Audit Accusation
H32661LALos AngelesRemoval of Discipline GrantedDelman, Brian MarcBroker Officer611 S PALM CANYON DR STE 7112 PALM SPRINGS, CA 922644/6/20062/27/2020B&P 10177(f)Other
H37093LALos AngelesReinstatement Denied but Right to RestrictedMandell, JenniferN/A2387 CENTURY HILL LOS ANGELES, CA 900672/28/20112/26/2020B&P 10177(b)Rap Accusation
H37413LALos AngelesReinstatement GrantedCharis Financial Inc, Corporation7/27/20112/13/2020B&P 10177(j)Transactional Accusation
H38070LALos AngelesReinstatement DeniedJones, Derrick AnthonySalesperson Officer32397 LARVOTTO CRT WINCHESTER, CA 925964/19/20122/20/2020B&P 10177(g), B&P 10177(d), B&P 10137, B&P 10177(h), B&P 10085Transactional Accusation
H40161LALos AngelesReinstatement GrantedBettarel, Wayne LeoN/A29915 CAMINO CRISTAL MENIFEE, CA 925842/15/20172/21/2020B&P 10145(a), Reg 2832.1, B&P 10176(g), B&P 10177(g), Reg 2834, Reg 2835, B&P 2830, Reg 2831, B&P 10176(e), B&P 10159.5, B&P 10148(b), B&P 10131(b), Reg 2950(d), Reg 2951, B&P 10176(i), B&P 10159.2, Reg 2831.1, Reg 2832, B&P 10177(j), B&P 10145, B&P 10177(h), Reg 2725, B&P 10131(a) , Reg 2950(g), Reg 2731, B&P 10177(d), Reg 2831.2, Fin. Code 17006(a)(4)Audit Accusation
H40322LALos AngelesReinstatement GrantedDowe, Donald DwightBroker35900 GERARD DOU ST WINCHESTER, CA 925966/5/20172/27/2020B&P 10177(b), Reg 2910, B&P 490Rap Accusation
H40961LALos AngelesRevocation with Restr Lic by StipulationJ.R. Apex Realty Corporation, Corporation1/21/20202/10/2020Reg 2832.1, B&P 10177(g), Reg 2831, B&P 10130, Reg 2831.1, B&P 10145, B&P 10177(d), Reg 2831.2Audit Accusation
H40961LALos AngelesRevocation with Restr Lic by StipulationRatzlaff, John RobertSalesperson15611 LA SUBIDA DR HACIENDA HEIGHTS, CA 917451/21/20202/10/2020B&P 10177(d)Audit Accusation
H41277LALos AngelesOutright Denial of ApplicationPalmer, Darin RichardN/A1/24/20192/13/2020B&P 10177(b), B&P 480(a)(1), B&P 10177(a), B&P 475(a)(2)Rap Accusation
H41310LALos AngelesOutright Revoc by Order HearingPerreault, Sherri AnneSalesperson24662 SUNSET LANE LAKE FOREST, CA 926303/5/20192/26/2020B&P 10177(b), B&P 10186.2, B&P 490Rap Accusation
H41316LALos AngelesRevocation with Restr Lic by StipulationRozell, Rylan DavidBroker Officer2008 21ST ST STE 200 BAKERSFIELD, CA 933011/14/20202/3/2020Reg 2832.1, B&P 10177(g), Reg 2831, B&P 10176(i), Reg 2831.1, B&P 10159.2, B&P 10145, B&P 10177(h), Reg 2725, B&P 10177(d), Reg 2831.2Audit Accusation
H41316LALos AngelesVoluntary License SurrenderCresco Property Management, Inc., Corporation1/14/20202/3/2020Reg 2832.1, B&P 10177(g), Reg 2831.1, B&P 10159.2, B&P 10145, B&P 10177(h), Reg 2725, B&P 10177(d), Reg 2831.2Audit Accusation
H41316LALos AngelesVoluntary License SurrenderRozell Property Management, Inc., Corporation1/14/20202/3/2020Reg 2832.1, B&P 10177(g), Reg 2831, B&P 10176(i), Reg 2831.1, B&P 10159.2, B&P 10145, B&P 10177(h), Reg 2725, B&P 10177(d), Reg 2831.2Audit Accusation
H41332LALos AngelesOutright Revoc by Order HearingPreciado, Laura ChristinaBroker285 IMPERIAL HWY SUITE 201 FULLERTON, CA 928351/14/20202/3/2020B&P 10177(g), B&P 10176(a), B&P 10176(c), B&P 2830, Reg 2834, Reg 2835, B&P 10159.5, Reg 2831, B&P 10176(i), Reg 2951, Reg 2832, B&P 2950, Reg 2731, B&P 10177(d), B&P 10145, B&P 10176(b), B&P 10176(i) Transactional Accusation
H41374LALos AngelesSuspension[with stay]Friedman, Lawrence RobertN/A6/3/20192/7/2020B&P 10176(g), Reg 2834, Reg 2726, B&P 2830, Reg 2831, Reg 2950(d), Reg 2951, B&P 10177(o), B&P 10145Audit Accusation
H41374LALos AngelesSuspension[with stay]Home Pro Realty Inc, N/A26 MORNING STAR IRVINE, CA 926036/3/20192/7/2020B&P 10176(g), Reg 2834, Reg 2726, B&P 2830, Reg 2831, Reg 2950(d), Reg 2951, B&P 10177(o), B&P 10145Audit Accusation
H41374LALos AngelesSuspension[with stay]Zee, KelvinN/A6/3/20192/7/2020B&P 10176(g), Reg 2834, Reg 2726, B&P 2830, Reg 2831, Reg 2950(d), Reg 2951, B&P 10177(o), B&P 10145Audit Accusation
H41425LALos AngelesOutright Revoc by Default DecisionSou, JoannaSalesperson8/16/20192/20/2020B&P 10177(f), B&P 10177(b), B&P 490Rap Accusation
H41478LALos AngelesOutright Denial of ApplicationBitner, RonaldN/A8/28/20192/26/2020B&P 10177(b), B&P 10177(a)Statement of Issues
H41490LALos AngelesOutright Denial of ApplicationKelley, Matthew ThomasN/A9/6/20192/13/2020B&P 10177(b), B&P 480(a)(1), B&P 10177(a)Statement of Issues
H41491LALos AngelesOutright Revoc by Default DecisionMitchell, MiltonBroker2627 MCNALLY AVE ALTADENA, CA 910019/9/20192/6/2020B&P 10186.2 (b), B&P 10177(b), B&P 490Rap Accusation
H41504LALos AngelesOutright Denial of ApplicationGillespie, Thomas ByronN/A9/24/20192/24/2020B&P 10177(b), B&P 480(a)(1), B&P 10177(a)Statement of Issues
H41507LALos AngelesOutright Denial of ApplicationPhillips, Antonie AlexanderN/A9/26/20192/4/2020B&P 10177(b), B&P 10177(a)Statement of Issues
H41531LALos AngelesOutright Revoc by Default DecisionOchoa Salazar, Axl MSalesperson718 E 89TH ST LOS ANGELES, CA 9000210/25/20192/26/2020B&P 10186.2, B&P 10177(b)Rap Accusation
H41539LALos AngelesOutright Denial of ApplicationLi, XipengN/A11/15/20192/13/2020B&P 10177(b), B&P 480(a)(1)Statement of Issues
H41540LALos AngelesOutright Denial of ApplicationMcClure, Michael BrandonN/A11/19/20192/22/2020B&P 10177(b), B&P 480(a)(1), B&P 10177(a)Statement of Issues
H41542LALos AngelesOther OrderGuzman, John CarlosN/A11/18/20192/5/2020B&P 475(a)(1), Reg 2910, B&P 10177(a), B&P 480(d)Statement of Issues
H41549LALos AngelesOther OrderWattuhewa, Chandima NN/A2895 WOODWARDIA DR LOS ANGELES, CA 9007711/25/20192/26/2020B&P 10177(b), B&P 10177(a)Statement of Issues
H41559LALos AngelesVoluntary License SurrenderTyler Management Inc, Corporation1/27/20202/17/2020B&P 10145Audit Accusation
H41560LALos AngelesOther OrderBlanford, Joel AndrewN/A12/16/20192/27/2020B&P 10177(b)Statement of Issues
H41573LALos AngelesD&R Service - Unable to EffectChipana, SusanaN/A1/10/20202/14/2020B&P 10085.5(a), B&P 10085.6(a)Desist & Refrain
H41583LALos AngelesOther OrderVertical Real Estate Services, Inc., Corporation1/21/20202/10/2020Other
H41585LALos AngelesVoluntary License SurrenderQuiett, James GrantBroker2225 E 28TH ST STE 500 SIGNAL HILL, CA 907551/27/20202/17/2020Vol-Sur w/out Pleading
H41591LALos AngelesD&R Service - Unable to EffectEaton, Sonia RN/A2/5/20202/24/2020B&P 10131(a), B&P 10130Desist & Refrain
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