Summary of Enforcement Actions (10/1/2020 - 10/31/2020)

The Department of Real Estate is a licensing and regulatory agency empowered to seek disciplinary action through the State Office of Administrative Hearings against licensees who violate specific sections of the State Business and Professions Code. We also are empowered to file orders to desist and refrain against licensed and unlicensed individuals and entities. Available on this report are the following listings: disciplinary actions initiated against real estate licensees; filed orders to desist and refrain from unlawful activities; decisions on petition applications to reinstate/remove restrictions from licenses; applications for licenses that have been denied and/or were issued restricted licenses; and licenses that have been voluntarily surrendered.

NOTE: Click on the headings to sort by a specific column.

H03235FRLos AngelesSuspension[with stay]Nationwide Realty Management Inc., N/A3/1/201910/30/2020Reg 2832.1, B&P 10176(a), B&P 10177(g), Reg 2835, Reg 2831, B&P 10176(e), B&P 10176(i), Reg 2831.1, Reg 2832, B&P 10177(j), B&P 10145, B&P 10177(d), B&P 10177(h), Reg 2831.2Audit Accusation
H03235FRLos AngelesSuspension[with stay]Okoh, Mohammed KabiruN/A3/1/201910/30/2020Reg 2832.1, B&P 10176(a), B&P 10177(g), Reg 2835, Reg 2831, B&P 10176(e), B&P 10176(i), Reg 2831.1, Reg 2832, B&P 10177(j), B&P 10145, B&P 10177(d), B&P 10177(h), Reg 2831.2Audit Accusation
H03237FRSacramentoSuspension with Stay - Monetary PenaltyAction One Property Management, Inc., Corporation5/16/201910/27/2020B&P 10145(g), B&P 10177(g), Reg 2832.1, Reg 2831, Reg 2832, Reg 2831.1, B&P 10177(d), B&P 10145, Reg 2831.2Audit Accusation
H03237FRSacramentoSuspension with Stay - Monetary PenaltyPrice, Jackeline PaolaBroker OfficerPO BOX 294 CERES, CA 953075/16/201910/27/2020Reg 2832.1, B&P 10177(g), Reg 2831, Reg 2831.1, Reg 2832, B&P 10159.2, B&P 10177(d), B&P 10145, B&P 10177(h), Reg 2831.2Audit Accusation
H03249FRLos AngelesSuspension with Stay - Monetary PenaltyBarron, Ethele MarieN/A325 KERN ST TAFT, CA 932689/25/202010/26/2020B&P 10177(k)Transactional Accusation
H03249FRLos AngelesSuspension with Stay - Monetary PenaltyEB Preferred, Corporation9/25/202010/26/2020Reg 2832.1, B&P 10145(a), Reg 2831, B&P 10159.5, B&P 10130, Reg 2831.1, B&P 10159.2, B&P 10137, B&P 10145, Reg 2831.2Transactional Accusation
H03249FRLos AngelesSuspension with Stay - Monetary PenaltySchiavone, Ralph DomenicoBroker Officer2911 LA VISTA AVENUE CORONA, CA 928799/25/202010/26/2020B&P 10159.2, B&P 10177(h), Reg 2725Transactional Accusation
H03288FRLos AngelesRevocation with Restr Lic by Order HearingBocanegra, FernandoSalesperson13900 RAPHAEL AVE BAKERSFIELD, CA 9330612/20/201910/7/2020B&P 10177(b), B&P 10186.2, B&P 490Rap Accusation
H03290FRSacramentoOutright Revoc by Order HearingHighway One Rentals Inc, Corporation1/8/202010/23/2020B&P 10177(g), Reg 2832.1, B&P 10145(g), Reg 2834, Reg 2831, B&P 10176(e), B&P 10177(d), B&P 10145Audit Accusation
H03290FRSacramentoOutright Revoc by Order HearingLilley, Andrew VincentBroker Officer321 PACIFIC AVE CAYUCOS, CA 934301/8/202010/23/2020B&P 10177(g), B&P 10145(g), Reg 2834, B&P 10176(e), B&P 10159.2, Reg 2831.1, B&P 10177(d), B&P 10145, B&P 10177(h), Reg 2725Audit Accusation
H03312FRSacramentoOutright Denial of ApplicationEdwards, Amy ReneaSalesperson4/8/202010/21/2020B&P 10177(b), B&P 480(a)(1)Statement of Issues
H03316FRSacramentoOutright Revoc by Default DecisionAvalos, Cesar JoelSalesperson1031 E PECAN AVE MADERA, CA 936374/22/202010/28/2020B&P 10177(b), B&P 10177(d), B&P 490Rap Accusation
H03317FRSacramentoRevocation with Restr Lic by StipulationOmni Property Management Corp Inc, Corporation4/22/202010/27/2020Audit Accusation
H03317FRSacramentoRevocation with Restr Lic by StipulationSingley, Samuel LeeBroker Officer635 BARSTOW STE #5 CLOVIS, CA 936124/22/202010/27/2020B&P 10177(g), Reg 2832.1, Reg 2834, Reg 2831, B&P 10159.2, Reg 2832, Reg 2831.1, Reg 2725, B&P 10177(h), B&P 10177(d), B&P 10145, Reg 2831.2Audit Accusation
H04783SDLos AngelesReinstatement GrantedMorineau, Vincina GBroker7824 ORIEN AVE LA MESA, CA 919413/30/201610/19/2020B&P 10177(b), Reg 2910, B&P 490Rap Accusation
H04912SDLos AngelesReinstatement GrantedDuffy, James PatrickBroker Officer270 HYACINTH WAY OCEANSIDE, CA 920576/27/201710/19/2020B&P 10177(g), B&P 11018.2, B&P 11018.1(a), B&P 10177(d)Transactional Accusation
H04912SDLos AngelesReinstatement GrantedSignature Real Estate, Inc., Corporation3138 ROOSEVELT ST STE C CARLSBAD, CA 920086/27/201710/19/2020B&P 10177(g), B&P 11018.2, B&P 11018.1(a), B&P 10177(d)Transactional Accusation
H05068SDLos AngelesSuspension with Stay - Monetary PenaltyChurchill, Kevin CharlesN/A9747 BUSINESS PARK AVE STE 203 SAN DIEGO, CA 9213110/6/202010/26/2020B&P 10177(g), Reg 2835, Reg 2831, B&P 10176(e), B&P 10159.5, B&P 10176(f), Reg 2831.1, Reg 2832, B&P 10145(d), B&P 10145, Reg 2731, B&P 10177(d), Reg 2831.2Audit Accusation
H05081SDLos AngelesDenial with Restricted License by Order HearingTuttle, Bryce DavidN/A7/31/201910/7/2020B&P 10177(b), B&P 480(a)(1), B&P 10177(a)Statement of Issues
H05136SDLos AngelesVoluntary License SurrenderAsh, Michael JamesSalesperson3/13/202010/29/2020B&P 10186.2, B&P 10177(b)Rap Accusation
H05159SDLos AngelesVoluntary License SurrenderHall, Darlene AliceBroker1614 YOST DR SAN DIEGO, CA 921099/8/202010/8/2020Reg 2832.1, B&P 10176(g), B&P 10145(a), B&P 10177(g), Reg 2834, Reg 2831, Reg 2831.1, Reg 2725, B&P 10177(h), B&P 10145, B&P 10177(d)Audit Accusation
H05952SACSacramentoReinstatement GrantedKloos, PieterSalesperson1519 MAIN ST APT D NAPA, CA 9455910/15/201410/22/2020B&P 10177(b), B&P 10186.2, B&P 10177(d), B&P 490Rap Accusation
H06805SACSacramentoOutright Revoc by Default DecisionColeman, WilliamBrokerP O BOX 292096 SACRAMENTO, CA 958293/12/202010/28/2020Reg 2715, B&P 10177(d)Transactional Accusation
H06929SACSacramentoDenial with Restricted License by Order HearingLee, Alexis JamesN/A8850 STARFALL WY ELK GROVE, CA 956242/11/202010/21/2020B&P 10177(b), B&P 480(a)(1)Statement of Issues
H06939SACSacramentoOutright Denial of ApplicationCarter, John RasheemN/A3/12/202010/19/2020B&P 10177(b), B&P 480(a)(1)Statement of Issues
H08695SFSacramentoRemoval of Discipline GrantedPerkins, Frank WileySalesperson17869 ALMOND RD CASTRO VALLEY, CA 945463/22/200410/30/2020B&P 10177(b), B&P 480(a)Statement of Issues
H08695SFSacramentoRemoval of Restrictions GrantedPerkins, Frank WileySalesperson17869 ALMOND RD CASTRO VALLEY, CA 945463/22/200410/30/2020B&P 10177(b), B&P 480(a)Statement of Issues
H11766SFSacramentoReinstatement GrantedKemsley, Robert MaxSalesperson290 ELISEO DRIVE GREENBRAE, CA 949043/25/201610/1/2020B&P 10177(b), B&P 490Rap Accusation
H12376SFSacramentoOutright Revoc by Order HearingGalluzi, Stacy CooperBroker Officer1990 REDWOOD DR HEALDSBURG, CA 954483/27/201910/21/2020B&P 10186.2, B&P 10177(b), B&P 490Rap Accusation
H31659LALos AngelesOther OrderFlores, Sergio JordanBroker6430 W SUNSET BLVD 6TH FLOOR LOS ANGELES, CA 900282/8/200510/30/2020B&P 475(a)(1), B&P 10177(b), B&P 10177(a), B&P 480(a), B&P 480(c)Statement of Issues
H32410LALos AngelesRemoval of Restrictions GrantedKralik, John JosephSalesperson1101 MARIAN LANE NEWPORT BEACH, CA 926601/18/200610/19/2020B&P 480(a)(1), B&P 475(a)(2)Statement of Issues
H34188LALos AngelesReinstatement GrantedCapizzi, Justin RichardSalesperson17682 BEACH BLVD SUITE 101 HUNTINGTON BEACH, CA 926478/14/200710/20/2020B&P 10177(b), B&P 480(a)(1), B&P 475(a)(2)Statement of Issues
H38918LALos AngelesRemoval of Restrictions GrantedKralik, John JosephSalesperson1101 MARIAN LANE NEWPORT BEACH, CA 926606/20/201310/19/2020B&P 10177(k)Rap Accusation
H41108LALos AngelesRevocation with Restr Lic by StipulationLucas, Dustin VaughnBroker29346 VACATION DR CANYON LAKE, CA 925879/29/202010/29/2020Reg 2832.1, B&P 10177(g), Reg 2834, Reg 2726, B&P 10159.5, B&P 10163, B&P 10148(b), B&P 10176(i), Reg 2950(d), Reg 2951, B&P 10086(a)/17006(a)(4), B&P 10177(j), Reg 2715, Reg 2832, B&P 10159.2, B&P 10145, B&P 10177(h), Reg 2725, Reg 2731, Reg 2950(g), B&P 10177(d), Reg 2831.2Transactional Accusation
H41329LALos AngelesSuspension[with stay]A True Treasure, Inc., Corporation10/1/202010/30/2020B&P 10176(a), B&P 10177(g), B&P 10176(c), B&P 10140.6, B&P 10176(i), B&P 10162, Reg 2715, B&P 10159.2, B&P 10165, B&P 10177(d), Reg 2773, Reg 2725, B&P 10177(h), B&P 10176(b), B&P 10176(j)Transactional Accusation
H41329LALos AngelesSuspension[with stay]Ciscel-Shumway, Carla MarieBroker Officer764 RAINBOW HILLS RD FALLBROOK, CA 9202810/1/202010/30/2020B&P 10176(a), B&P 10177(g), B&P 10176(c), B&P 10140.6, B&P 10176(i), B&P 10162, Reg 2715, B&P 10159.2, B&P 10165, B&P 10177(d), Reg 2773, Reg 2725, B&P 10177(h), B&P 10176(b), B&P 10176(j)Transactional Accusation
H41329LALos AngelesSuspension[with stay]Lewis, John ClaytonSalesperson42342 VIA DEL MONTE TEMECULA, CA 9259210/1/202010/30/2020B&P 10176(a), B&P 10177(g), B&P 10176(c), B&P 10140.6, B&P 10176(i), B&P 10162, Reg 2715, B&P 10159.2, B&P 10165, B&P 10177(d), Reg 2773, Reg 2725, B&P 10177(h), B&P 10176(b), B&P 10176(j)Transactional Accusation
H41388LALos AngelesRevocation with Restr Lic by StipulationAguilar, PaulSalesperson942 OBAN DR LOS ANGELES, CA 900659/4/202010/5/2020B&P 10177(g), B&P 10176(i)Transactional Accusation
H41413LALos AngelesSuspension with Stay - Monetary PenaltyFlores, DanielBroker Officer1133 CAMELBACK ST UNIT 7909 NEWPORT BEACH, CA 926589/28/202010/28/2020B&P 10177(g), B&P 10159.2, B&P 10177(h), Reg 2725, B&P 10177(d)Audit Accusation
H41413LALos AngelesSuspension with Stay - Monetary PenaltyPrime Management Group Inc, Corporation9/28/202010/28/2020Reg 2831.1, B&P 10145, Reg 2831.2Audit Accusation
H41486LALos AngelesOutright Revoc by Order HearingGideon, Hooman MosheSalesperson18648 CLARK STREET TARZANA, CA 9135610/25/201910/26/2020B&P 10186.2, B&P 10177(b), B&P 490Rap Accusation
H41536LALos AngelesOther OrderIrwin, Dishawn TrovelN/A488 S ROSEBUD CT ANAHEIM, CA 9280811/13/201910/16/2020B&P 475(a)(3), B&P 480(a)(2), B&P 10177(b), B&P 10177(j), Reg 2910, B&P 480(a)(1), B&P 475(a)(2)Statement of Issues
H41541LALos AngelesRevocation with Restr Lic by Order HearingNaranjo, Joel AdrianN/A10525 SHELLYFIELD RD DOWNEY, CA 9024111/18/201910/16/2020B&P 10186.2, B&P 10177(b)Rap Accusation
H41548LALos AngelesOutright Denial of ApplicationStock, Nathanael EarlN/A12/2/201910/28/2020B&P 10177(b), B&P 480(a)(1)Statement of Issues
H41570LALos AngelesOutright Revoc by StipulationVidal, MarcoBroker Officer18333 PINECONE LN RIVERSIDE, CA 925049/10/202010/9/2020B&P 10177(g), B&P 10176(a), B&P 10177(d), B&P 10137Transactional Accusation
H41576LALos AngelesDenial with Restricted License by Order HearingCrooms, Von RoyN/A21827 LANARK ST #20 CANOGA PARK, CA 913041/13/202010/30/2020B&P 10177(b)Statement of Issues
H41600LALos AngelesOutright Denial of ApplicationSchoonover, Steven DaleN/A1311 BAYSIDE CIRCLE OXNARD, CA 930352/12/202010/1/2020B&P 10177(b), B&P 10177(a)Statement of Issues
H41611LALos AngelesDenial with Restricted License by Order HearingDibagohar, HomanN/A2219 S BENTLEY AVE #304 LOS ANGELES, CA 900642/26/202010/30/2020B&P 10177(f)Statement of Issues
H41617LALos AngelesOutright Denial of ApplicationAguilera, Juan JesusN/A7/8/202010/30/2020B&P 10177(b), B&P 480(a)(1)Statement of Issues
H41663LALos AngelesOutright Revoc by Default DecisionMara Group, Inc., Corporation5/12/202010/2/2020Reg 2832.1, B&P 10177(g), Reg 2834, B&P 10176(e), Reg 2831, B&P 10159.5, B&P 10176(i), Reg 2831.1, Reg 2832, B&P 10177(j), B&P 10159.2, B&P 10145, Reg 2731, Reg 2725, B&P 10177(d), B&P 10177(h), Reg 2831.2, Reg 2742(c)Audit Accusation
H41663LALos AngelesOutright Revoc by Default DecisionPaulino, Elena MaraBroker Officer5/12/202010/2/2020Reg 2832.1, B&P 10177(g), B&P 10176(e), B&P 10159.5, B&P 10130, Reg 2831, B&P 10176(i), B&P 10177(j), Reg 2832, B&P 10159.2, Reg 2831.1, B&P 10145, Reg 2731, Reg 2725, B&P 10177(d), B&P 10177(h), Reg 2831.2, Reg 2742(c)Audit Accusation
H41664LALos AngelesOutright Revoc by Default DecisionRanjbari, Anisse BriannaSalesperson5/12/202010/28/2020B&P 10177(b)Rap Accusation
H41668LALos AngelesDenial with Restricted License by StipulationSykes-Rubio, Michael SamSalesperson11116 FOXCROFT DR WHITTIER, CA 9060411/9/202010/28/2020B&P 10177(b), B&P 480(a)(1), B&P 475(a)(2)Statement of Issues
H41671LALos AngelesOutright Revoc by Default DecisionWang Navas, SophiaSalesperson1594 DEER CROSSISNG DR DIAMOND BAR, CA 917656/10/202010/26/2020B&P 10177(b), B&P 10186.2, B&P 490Rap Accusation
H41680LALos AngelesOutright Revoc by Default DecisionLewis, Felix WalterSalesperson5/21/202010/28/2020B&P 10186.2, B&P 10177(b)Rap Accusation
H41710LALos AngelesOutright Revoc by Default DecisionMarcaccio, Nicholas AnthonySalesperson7/1/202010/26/2020B&P 10177(b), B&P 10186.2, B&P 490Rap Accusation
H41714LALos AngelesOutright Denial of ApplicationKumar, KabirN/A7/24/202010/20/2020B&P 10177(b), B&P 480(a)(1)Statement of Issues
H41719LALos AngelesOutright Denial of ApplicationFlores Perez, Pablo PedroN/A7/13/202010/30/2020B&P 10177(b), B&P 480(a)(1)Statement of Issues
H41740LALos AngelesOutr Denial App MLO Lic EndorsScott, Eric RashaunN/A7/23/202010/20/2020MLO Statement of Issues
H41747LALos AngelesDenial with Restricted License by StipulationHarkins, Marcus JosephN/A170 VIOLET BLOOM IRVINE, CA 9261811/5/202010/30/2020B&P 10177(b), B&P 480(a)(1), B&P 475(a)(2)Statement of Issues
H41782LALos AngelesD&R Service - Unable to EffectReina, JudithN/A9/18/202010/4/2020B&P 10130, B&P 10131(b)Desist & Refrain
H41783LALos AngelesDenial with Restricted License by StipulationReynoso, Alexis DestinyN/A15301 VENTURA BLVD STE B315 SHERMAN OAKS, CA 9140311/2/202010/22/2020B&P 10177(b), B&P 480(a)(1), B&P 475(a)(2)Stip w/out Pleading
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