Summary of Enforcement Actions (10/1/2019 - 10/31/2019)

The Department of Real Estate is a licensing and regulatory agency empowered to seek disciplinary action through the State Office of Administrative Hearings against licensees who violate specific sections of the State Business and Professions Code. We also are empowered to file orders to desist and refrain against licensed and unlicensed individuals and entities. Available on this report are the following listings: disciplinary actions initiated against real estate licensees; filed orders to desist and refrain from unlawful activities; decisions on petition applications to reinstate/remove restrictions from licenses; applications for licenses that have been denied and/or were issued restricted licenses; and licenses that have been voluntarily surrendered.

NOTE: Click on the headings to sort by a specific column.

H02679FRSacramentoReinstatement DeniedLuna, RaulBroker OfficerP O BOX 1340 CERES, CA 9530710/3/201110/15/2019B&P 10176(a), B&P 10177(g), B&P 10130, B&P 10176(i), B&P 10137, B&P 10177(d), B&P 10176(b), B&P 10085.5, B&P 10085Transactional Accusation
H03151FRSacramentoRevocation with Restr Lic by Order HearingChristiansen, Kevin EarlBroker Officer8254 N ARCHIE AVE FRESNO, CA 937201/24/201810/23/2019Reg 2832.1, B&P 10177(g), Reg 2834, Reg 2835, Reg 2752, B&P 10176(e), B&P 10130, B&P 10161.8, Reg 2832, B&P 10159.2, B&P 10145, B&P 10177(d), B&P 10137, Reg 2725, B&P 10177(h), Reg 2831.2Audit Accusation
H03151FRSacramentoRevocation with Restr Lic by Order HearingHinman, Carol GaidosSalesperson423 LOCKEWOOD LANE SCOTTS VALLEY, CA 950661/24/201810/23/2019B&P 10177(g), B&P 10130, B&P 10177(d), B&P 10137Audit Accusation
H03197FRLos AngelesOutright Revoc by Decision After RejectionGuzman, FernandoSalesperson5202 SAN MATEO DR BAKERSFIELD, CA 933077/24/201810/14/2019B&P 10145(c), B&P 10177(b), B&P 10177(j), B&P 10186.2, B&P 490Transactional Accusation
H03217FRSacramentoVoluntary License SurrenderStrumpf, RichardBroker116 POPLAR ST OAKDALE, CA 953611/3/201910/3/2019Audit Accusation
H03224FRSacramentoOutright Revoc by Order HearingRivers, Beverly AnnSalespersonP.O.BOX 1569 CARMEL VALLEY, CA 939242/6/201910/21/2019B&P 10026, B&P 10146, B&P 10176(i), B&P 10137Transactional Accusation
H03270FRLos AngelesVoluntary License SurrenderPowers, Lawton DarrenBroker101 H ST BAKERSFIELD, CA 933049/17/201910/8/2019Vol-Sur w/out Pleading
H03277FRLos AngelesDenial with Restricted License by StipulationPada, Sergio QuentinN/A1004 GEORGIA ST TEHACHAPI, CA 9356110/28/201910/21/2019B&P 10177(b)Stip w/out Pleading
H04319SDSacramentoOther OrderNovak, John ValN/APO BOX 344 VISTA, CA 920853/26/201210/16/2019B&P 10177(b), B&P 490Rap Accusation
H05022SDLos AngelesOutright Revoc by Decision After RejectionSchiro, Jacob TylerSalesperson10/9/201810/2/2019B&P 10177(b), B&P 10186.2 (a)(2), B&P 490Rap Accusation
H05030SDLos AngelesOutright Revoc by Order HearingKlein, Jason RobertBroker Officer2820 CAMINO DEL RIO S # 314 SAN DIEGO, CA 9210811/5/201810/2/2019B&P 10177(k), B&P 10186.2, B&P 10177(b)Rap Accusation
H05048SDLos AngelesRevocation with Restr Lic by StipulationGire, Inc., Corporation2/11/201910/22/2019B&P 10145(a), Reg 2832.1, B&P 10177(g), B&P 10176(e), Reg 2831, B&P 10176(i), B&P 10177(j), Reg 2832, Reg 2831.1, B&P 10159.2, B&P 10145, B&P 10177(d), B&P 10177(h), Reg 2725, Reg 2831.2Audit Accusation
H05078SDLos AngelesOutright Revoc by Default DecisionHuller, Charles EdwardSalesperson501 W BROADWAY SET A206 SAN DIEGO, CA 921017/26/201910/25/2019B&P 10177(b), B&P 10186.2, B&P 490Rap Accusation
H05102SDLos AngelesDenial with Restricted License by StipulationOrozco, Brian JamesN/A971 BORDEN RD #140 SAN MARCOS, CA 9206910/14/201910/4/2019B&P 10177(b), B&P 480(a)Stip w/out Pleading
H06377SACSacramentoFinal Bar OrderMoore, Niki MichelleN/A3/28/201610/28/2019B&P 10130, B&P 10131(b)Desist & Refrain
H06382SACSacramentoOrder Granting Unrstric LicenseKlam, Katrina LynnSalesperson952 SCHOOL ST #393 NAPA, CA 945596/13/201610/16/2019B&P 10177(b), B&P 10177(j), B&P 480(a)Statement of Issues
H06563SACSacramentoOutright Revoc by Order HearingEaton, Dustin LeeSalesperson5703 RIVER RUN CIRCLE ROCKLIN, CA 957657/26/201810/4/2019B&P 10177(g), B&P 10176(a), Reg 2831, Reg 2731(a), B&P 10176(e), B&P 10159.5, B&P 10130, B&P 10176(i), B&P 10145, B&P 10137Transactional Accusation
H06606SACSacramentoOutright Revoc by StipulationDavis Berk Realty, Inc., Corporation5/29/201810/22/2019B&P 10145(g), Reg 2832.1, Reg 2834, Reg 2831, B&P 10176(e), B&P 10163, B&P 10130, B&P 10162, B&P 10176(i), B&P 10145(d), Reg 2715, Reg 2832, Reg 2831.1, B&P 10140.6(b), Reg 2773, B&P 10145, Reg 2831.2Audit Accusation
H06606SACSacramentoOutright Revoc by StipulationRent City Property Management, Inc., Corporation5/29/201810/22/2019B&P 10177(g), Reg 2832.1, Reg 2834, B&P 10176(e), Reg 2831, B&P 10130, B&P 10176(i), B&P 10162, B&P 10145(d), Reg 2715, B&P 10177(d), B&P 10145, B&P 10140.6(b), Reg 2773, Reg 2831.2Audit Accusation
H06606SACSacramentoOutright Revoc by StipulationVan, Heidi WingSalesperson8480 HARBOR HOUSE CT ELK GROVE, CA 956245/29/201810/23/2019B&P 10177(g), Reg 2832.1, B&P 10145(g), Reg 2834, B&P 10176(e), Reg 2831, B&P 10130, B&P 10140.6, B&P 10162, B&P 10176(i), Reg 2831.1, Reg 2832, B&P 10145(d), Reg 2715, B&P 10145, Reg 2773, B&P 10177(d), Reg 2831.2Audit Accusation
H06606SACSacramentoRevocation with Restr Lic by StipulationSiddique, MohammadSalesperson Officer4037 FAWN CIRCLE SACRAMENTO, CA 958235/29/201810/22/2019B&P 10177(g), Reg 2832.1, B&P 10145(g), Reg 2834, B&P 10176(e), Reg 2831, B&P 10130, B&P 10176(i), B&P 10162, Reg 2831.1, Reg 2832, B&P 10145(d), Reg 2715, B&P 10159.2, Reg 2710(c), B&P 10177(d), B&P 10145, B&P 10140.6(b), Reg 2773, B&P 10177(h)Audit Accusation
H06672SACSacramentoSuspension with Stay - Monetary PenaltyKindopp, David GordonBroker865 BOULDER LN LINCOLN, CA 956484/29/201910/24/2019B&P 10166.07, B&P 10177(g), B&P 10148, B&P 10176(i), B&P 10232.4, B&P 10232.45, B&P 10240Transactional Accusation
H06720SACSacramentoOutright Revoc by Order HearingFreeze, Nichole DeanneBroker1079 SUNRISE AVE #B-342 ROSEVILLE, CA 956619/17/201810/3/2019Reg 2832.1, Reg 2831.2Audit Accusation
H06737SACSacramentoRevocation with Restr Lic by StipulationSalinas, Robert RubenSalesperson8538 KERMES AVE FAIR OAKS, CA 9562810/5/201810/16/2019Rap Accusation
H06769SACSacramentoRevocation with Restr Lic by Stipulation3 Point Real Estate & Construction., Corporation2/25/201910/30/2019B&P 10145(a), B&P 10176(a), B&P 10176(g), B&P 10177(g), B&P 10177(c), Reg 2831, Reg 2832, Reg 2831.1, B&P 10145, Reg 2831.2Audit Accusation
H06769SACSacramentoRevocation with Restr Lic by StipulationMacphail, Chris EBroker OfficerPO BOX 390 WILTON, CA 956932/25/201910/30/2019B&P 10145(a), B&P 10176(a), B&P 10176(g), B&P 10177(g), B&P 10177(c), Reg 2831, Reg 2832, Reg 2831.1, B&P 10145, Reg 2831.2Audit Accusation
H06770SACSacramentoOutright Denial of ApplicationStinson, Tyireka NavetteN/A3/15/201910/11/2019B&P 10177(b), B&P 480(a)Statement of Issues
H06777SACSacramentoRevocation with Restr Lic by StipulationEaddy, Sean GabrielN/A2640 ROUNDHILL CIRCLE PLACERVILLE, CA 956671/22/201910/8/2019Rap Accusation
H06794SACSacramentoOutright Revoc by Default DecisionDucy, Richard JamesSalesperson2/13/201910/8/2019Rap Accusation
H06810SACSacramentoOutright Denial of ApplicationDickson, Ashley NicoleN/A4/3/201910/2/2019Statement of Issues
H06815SACSacramentoDenial with Restricted License by StipulationZafra, JonN/A21661 BROOKHURST ST APT 405 HUNTINGTON BEACH, CA 926464/25/201910/31/2019B&P 10177(b), B&P 480(a), B&P 10177(a), B&P 480(c)Statement of Issues
H06834SACSacramentoOutright Revoc by Default DecisionCarter, GabrielaSalesperson2264 FAIR OAKS BLVD #202 SACRAMENTO, CA 958255/13/201910/21/2019B&P 10177(b), B&P 10177(j), B&P 10177(d), B&P 490Rap Accusation
H06851SACSacramentoRevocation with Restr Lic by StipulationGoodrow, Larry EdwinBroker Officer1295 LARKFLOWER WAY LINCOLN, CA 956487/1/201910/31/2019B&P 10232.25(d), B&P 10177(g), B&P 10176(a), B&P 10232.5, B&P 10232.4, B&P 10235, B&P 10232.2(c), Reg 2848, B&P 10240, B&P 10232.2(b)MLO Accusation
H06851SACSacramentoRevocation with Restr Lic by StipulationLighthouse Mortgage Company Inc, Corporation570 5TH ST #100 LINCOLN, CA 956487/1/201910/31/2019B&P 10232.25(d), B&P 10177(g), B&P 10176(a), B&P 10232.5, B&P 10232.4, B&P 10177(d), B&P 10235, B&P 10232.2(c), Reg 2848, B&P 10240, B&P 10232.2(b)MLO Accusation
H11856SFSacramentoReinstatement Denied but Right to RestrictedZeng, FrankSalesperson2/3/201610/18/2019B&P 10153.01, B&P 10177(j), Reg 2763, B&P 10177(d), B&P 10177(a)Transactional Accusation
H12162SFSacramentoRevocation with Restr Lic by Order HearingCortez, JavierSalesperson Officer1817 DEL RIO DRIVE LAFAYETTE, CA 9454912/20/201710/23/2019Reg 2831, Reg 2832, Reg 2831.1, Reg 2773, B&P 10145, Reg 2831.2Audit Accusation
H12178SFSacramentoRevocation with Restr Lic by StipulationDe Wolf Realty Co, Corporation7/20/201810/4/2019B&P 10177(g), Reg 2832.1, Reg 2834, B&P 10130, B&P 10140.6, B&P 10176(e), Reg 2831, B&P 10177(j), Reg 2831.1, Reg 2832, B&P 10177(d), Reg 2773, B&P 10137, B&P 10145, B&P 10176(i) Audit Accusation
H12178SFSacramentoRevocation with Restr Lic by StipulationGreen, George MartinBroker Officer1836 UNION ST SAN FRANCISCO, CA 941237/20/201810/4/2019B&P 10177(g), B&P 10159.2, B&P 10177(d), B&P 10177(h), B&P 10137, Reg 2725Audit Accusation
H12230SFSacramentoOutright Revoc by StipulationGarrett, Brian WilliamSalesperson37 LIBERTY ST SAN FRANCISCO, CA 9411012/18/201810/7/2019B&P 10176(i)Transactional Accusation
H12323SFSacramentoSuspension with Stay - Monetary PenaltyCoulston, Steven GuyBroker OfficerPO BOX 1206 PINECREST, CA 9536410/31/201810/16/2019Reg 2752, B&P 10161.8, B&P 10159.2, Reg 2725, B&P 10177(h)Audit Accusation
H12323SFSacramentoSuspension with Stay - Monetary PenaltyLatu Parkview Property Management Inc, Corporation10/31/201810/16/2019B&P 10145(g), Reg 2834, Reg 2726, B&P 10140.6, B&P 10145(a)(2), Reg 2832, Reg 2831.1, Reg 2715, B&P 10145, B&P 10137, Reg 2773, Reg 2731, Reg 2831.2Audit Accusation
H12328SFSacramentoSuspension[with stay]Diablo Valley Property Services, Inc., N/A3/26/201910/1/2019Reg 2835, Reg 2831, B&P 10176(e), Reg 2831.1, B&P 10145, Reg 2831.2Audit Accusation
H12328SFSacramentoSuspension[with stay]Pipkin, Judith DawnBroker2180 W GRANTLINE ROAD SUITE 207 TRACY, CA 953773/26/201910/1/2019B&P 10177(k), B&P 10159.2, B&P 10177(h)Audit Accusation
H12340SFSacramentoOutright Revoc by Order HearingEzat, MasudSalesperson281 N ORINDA STREET TRACY, CA 9539111/16/201810/7/2019B&P 10186.2, B&P 10177(a), B&P 490Rap Accusation
H28355LALos AngelesRemoval of Restrictions DeniedLabash, Lily LN/A1/5/200010/5/2019Statement of Issues
H30027LALos AngelesReinstatement GrantedLujan, AndrewSalesperson6/18/200310/21/2019B&P 10177(b), B&P 490Rap Accusation
H31284LALos AngelesReinstatement DeniedNunez Fernandez, JoaoBroker27475 YNEZ RD STE 287 TEMECULA, CA 925919/13/200410/7/2019B&P 10177(b), B&P 490Rap Accusation
H37314LALos AngelesReinstatement GrantedTurlo, Paul MatthewSalesperson24474 WILDHORSE COURT CORONA, CA 928836/2/201110/14/2019B&P 10177(b), B&P 490Rap Accusation
H38331LALos AngelesRemoval of Restrictions GrantedAnderson, MahleghaN/A8/14/201210/31/2019B&P 475(a)(1), B&P 10177(b), B&P 10177(a), B&P 480(a), B&P 475(a)(2), B&P 480(c)Statement of Issues
H38336LALos AngelesReinstatement Denied but Right to RestrictedValega Justo, RicardoSalesperson340 E 1ST ST #3270 TUSTIN, CA 927818/15/201210/30/2019B&P 10177(g), B&P 10130, B&P 10137, B&P 10177(d)Transactional Accusation
H38517LALos AngelesReinstatement DeniedKieu, Tam PhuocBroker Officer12671 SUSAN LN GARDEN GROVE, CA 9284111/1/201210/7/2019B&P 10177(b), Reg 2910, B&P 490(a), B&P 490Rap Accusation
H40694LALos AngelesReinstatement GrantedNguyen, TomBroker Officer13772 CORK STREET GARDEN GROVE, CA 928447/7/201710/31/2019Rap Accusation
H41198LALos AngelesOutright Revoc by Order HearingBaxter, Dolly MSalesperson710 PORTERFIELD DR SAN JACINTO, CA 9258212/3/201810/25/2019B&P 10177(b), B&P 10186.2, B&P 490Rap Accusation
H41220LALos AngelesRevocation with Restr Lic by StipulationShillings, AnnazetteSalesperson1244 FRIEDMAN ST PERRIS, CA 925719/23/201910/14/2019B&P 10177(b), B&P 10186.2, B&P 490Rap Accusation
H41236LALos AngelesPublic ReprovalsWall, Joann CarolineBrokerPO BOX 1225 TEMPLETON, CA 934659/12/201910/2/2019B&P 10176(g), B&P 10177(g), Reg 2835, Reg 2834, B&P 10177(f), B&P 10159.5, B&P 10176(e), Reg 2832, B&P 10145, Reg 2731, B&P 10177(d), Reg 2831.2, B&P 10176(m)Audit Accusation
H41271LALos AngelesOutright Revoc by Order HearingWheeler, Timothy JamesSalesperson31221 VIA SOLANA SAN JUAN CAPISTRANO, CA 926751/17/201910/14/2019B&P 10177(b), B&P 490Rap Accusation
H41296LALos AngelesVoluntary License SurrenderFrazier, Shayla RSalespersonPO BOX 6622 LAGUNA NIGUEL, CA 926072/22/201910/14/2019B&P 10186.2, B&P 10177(b), B&P 490Rap Accusation
H41298LALos AngelesOutright Revoc by Default DecisionHaynesworth, Regina LouiseSalesperson7/26/201910/25/2019B&P 10177(b), B&P 10186.2, B&P 490Rap Accusation
H41322LALos AngelesSuspension[with stay]Mark, ChristopherBroker Officer4022 KATELLA AVE STE 104 LOS ALAMITOS, CA 90720-34613/14/201910/28/2019B&P 10242(a), B&P 10232.25, B&P 10232.2(c), B&P 10242(b)(2), B&P 10232.2(a)Transactional Accusation
H41322LALos AngelesSuspension[with stay]Oregon Trail Corporation, Corporation3/14/201910/28/2019B&P 10242(a), B&P 10232.25, B&P 10242(b)(2), B&P 10232.2(c), B&P 10232.2(a)Transactional Accusation
H41325LALos AngelesOutright Revoc by Order HearingThompson, Keith GeorgeSalesperson11935 GALE AVE APT B HAWTHORNE, CA 902503/18/201910/14/2019B&P 10186.2, B&P 10177(b), B&P 490Rap Accusation
H41335LALos AngelesOutright Denial of ApplicationBarnes, Donald RichardN/A8/28/201910/14/2019B&P 10177(b), B&P 480(a)(1)Statement of Issues
H41385LALos AngelesSuspension[with stay]Golden Atlas Realty, Corporation6/17/201910/21/2019B&P 10163, B&P 10140.6, B&P 10162, B&P 10161.8, Reg 2773, Reg 2742(c)Transactional Accusation
H41385LALos AngelesSuspension[with stay]Mercado, Roberto MartinBroker17253 OROZCO ST GRANADA HILLS, CA 913446/17/201910/21/2019B&P 10176(a), B&P 10163, B&P 10162, B&P 10161.8, Reg 2710(a), B&P 10159.2, Reg 2715, Reg 2773, Reg 2725Transactional Accusation
H41385LALos AngelesVoluntary License SurrenderAW Finance Inc., Corporation6/17/201910/21/2019B&P 10176(a), B&P 10162, Reg 2715, Reg 2710(a), Reg 2742(c)Transactional Accusation
H41392LALos AngelesOutright Revoc by Default DecisionZepeda, Michael JosephSalesperson8937 HEMLOCK RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CA 917306/26/201910/7/2019B&P 10177(b), B&P 10186.2, B&P 490Rap Accusation
H41411LALos AngelesOutright Revoc by Default DecisionMartin, Kelly MatthewSalesperson1698 PARTRIDGE AVE UPLAND, CA 91784-92427/12/201910/28/2019B&P 10177(b), B&P 10186.2, B&P 490Rap Accusation
H41428LALos AngelesOutright Denial of ApplicationDe Leon, JoseN/A8/15/201910/14/2019B&P 10177(b), B&P 480(a)(1), B&P 10177(a)Statement of Issues
H41436LALos AngelesOutright Revoc by Default DecisionFlores-Sierra, DafneSalesperson7/29/201910/22/2019B&P 10145(c), B&P 10176(i), B&P 10177(j)Transactional Accusation
H41449LALos AngelesOutright Revoc by Default DecisionSanchez, Carlos ArturoSalesperson3975 BARRETT RD LOS ANGELES, CA 900328/1/201910/29/2019B&P 10177(g), B&P 10177(d), B&P 10186.2(a)(1)(B) Rap Accusation
H41461LALos AngelesDenial with Restricted License by StipulationKakish, TonyN/A2213 AVENIDA OLIVA SAN CLEMENTE, CA 92673-501310/31/201910/21/2019B&P 10177(b), B&P 480(a)(1), B&P 10177(a)Statement of Issues
H41467LALos AngelesOutright Denial of ApplicationJones, Dana TeonN/A8/20/201910/14/2019B&P 10177(b), B&P 480(a)(1), B&P 10177(a)Statement of Issues
H41494LALos AngelesD&R Service - Unable to EffectEscudero, Victor HugoN/A9/12/201910/18/2019B&P 10131(b)Desist & Refrain
H41494LALos AngelesD&R Service - Unable to EffectTruong Katayama, VickyN/A11952 SILVER LOOP MIRA LOMA, CA 917529/12/201910/18/2019B&P 10131(b)Desist & Refrain
H41495LALos AngelesD&R Service - Unable to EffectBatimana, RandallN/A9/13/201910/24/2019B&P 10026, B&P 10130, B&P 10131(d), B&P 10166.02, B&P 10086Desist & Refrain
H41495LALos AngelesD&R Service - Unable to EffectDragon Rocc Financial LLC, N/A9/13/201910/24/2019B&P 10026, B&P 10130, B&P 10131(d), B&P 10166.02, B&P 10086Desist & Refrain
H41495LALos AngelesD&R Service - Unable to EffectMcintosh, DawnN/A9/13/201910/24/2019B&P 10026, B&P 10130, B&P 10131(d), B&P 10166.02, B&P 10086Desist & Refrain
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