A salesperson may use eLicensing to
effect a change of responsible broker on his/her record.
The effective date of the change is the date the new
responsible broker certifies the request through
The salesperson will be required to
enter the new responsible broker's license identification
number as part of the eLicensing transaction. If
the broker has several licenses, i.e. as an individual
broker and also as one or more licensed corporate
officer(s), a list of those licenses will be presented
to the salesperson to select the license to which the
affiliation will be associated.
If a broker email address is
provided, a email will be automatically forwarded from
eLicensing to the broker advising him/her of the pending
request and the need to complete the transaction
through the certification process.
The new responsible broker will need to
certify, through the eLicensing system, the new
affiliation before it can become effective. Once
the responsible broker has certified the salesperson's
request and if a salesperson email address has been
provided to eLicensing, an email will be sent to the
salesperson advising that the transaction is completed.
A new license is not automatically
issued. If a new license certificate is desired,
you may print one using the eLicensing system.
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